Jackson vs Gson
1. Introduction
In this article, we’ll compare the Gson and Jackson APIs for serializing and deserializing JSON data to Java objects and vice-versa.
Gson和Jackson的API都可以用来将java 对象序列化成JSON数据,或者将JSON数据反序列化为java对象。在这篇文章里,我们将把他们放在一起进行比较。
Gson and Jackson are complete libraries offering JSON data-binding support for Java. Each are actively developed open-source projects which offer to handle of complex data types and support for Java Generics.
Gson和Jackson都为java提供了完整的用于JSON数据绑定的类库。他们都是活跃的开源工程,支持java 操作复杂的数据类型。
And in most cases, both libraries can deserialize to an entity without modifying an entity class, which is important in cases where a developer doesn’t have access to the entity source code.
2. Gson Maven Dependency
You can get the latest version of Gson here.
3. Gson Serialization
Serialization converts Java objects to JSON output. Consider the following entities:
public class ActorGson {
private String imdbId;
private Date dateOfBirth;
private List<String> filmography;
// getters and setters, default constructor and field constructor omitted
public class Movie {
private String imdbId;
private String director;
private List<ActorGson> actors;
// getters and setters, default constructor and field constructor omitted
3.1. Simple Serialization
Let’s start with an example of Java to JSON serialization:
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
ActorGson rudyYoungblood = new ActorGson(
Arrays.asList("Apocalypto","Beatdown", "Wind Walkers")
Movie movie = new Movie(
"Mel Gibson",
String serializedMovie = new Gson().toJson(movie);
This will result in:
"imdbId": "tt0472043",
"director": "Mel Gibson",
"actors": [{
"imdbId": "nm2199632",
"dateOfBirth": "Sep 21, 1982 12:00:00 AM",
"filmography": ["Apocalypto", "Beatdown", "Wind Walkers"]
By default:
- All properties are serialized because they have no null values
- dateOfBirth field was translated with the default Gson date pattern
- Output is not formatted and JSON property names correspond to the Java entities
- 所有的值非null的属性都被序列化
- dateOfBirth filed 被转化成了Gson的默认date 格式。
- 输出并没有被格式化,JSON属性的名字和java实体对象一致。
3.2. Custom Serialization
Using a custom serializer allows us to modify the standard behavior. We can introduce an output formatter with HTML, handle null values, exclude properties from output, or add a new output.
ActorGsonSerializer modifies generation of JSON code for the ActorGson element:
ActorGsonSerializer为ActorGson对象修改了JSON 数据的生成结果:
public class ActorGsonSerializer implements JsonSerializer<ActorGson> {
private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
public JsonElement serialize(ActorGson actor, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) {
JsonObject actorJsonObj = new JsonObject();
actorJsonObj.addProperty("<strong>IMDB Code</strong>", actor.getImdbId());`
actorJsonObj.addProperty("<strong>Date Of Birth</strong>", actor.getDateOfBirth() != null ? sdf.format(actor.getDateOfBirth()) : null);
actorJsonObj.addProperty("<strong>N° Film:</strong> ", actor.getFilmography() != null ? actor.getFilmography().size() : null);
actorJsonObj.addProperty("filmography", actor.getFilmography() != null ? convertFilmography(actor.getFilmography()) : null);
return actorJsonObj;
private String convertFilmography(List<String> filmography) {
return filmography.stream().collect(Collectors.joining("-"));
In order to exclude the *director *property, the @Expose annotation is used for properties we want to consider:
需要排除的director属性可以用@Expose 标注:
public class MovieWithNullValue {
private String imdbId;
private String director;
private List<ActorGson> actors;
Now we can proceed with Gson object creation using the GsonBuilder class:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(ActorGson.class, new ActorGsonSerializer())
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
ActorGson rudyYoungblood = new ActorGson("nm2199632", sdf.parse("21-09-1982"),
Arrays.asList("Apocalypto", "Beatdown", "Wind Walkers"));
MovieWithNullValue movieWithNullValue = new MovieWithNullValue(null, "Mel Gibson", Arrays.asList(rudyYoungblood));`
String serializedMovie = gson.toJson(movieWithNullValue);
The result is the following:
"imdbId": null,
"actors": [
"<strong>IMDB Code</strong>": "nm2199632", "<strong>Date Of Birth</strong>": "21-09-1982",
"<strong>N° Film:</strong> ": 3,
"filmography": "Apocalypto-Beatdown-Wind Walkers"
Notice that:
- the output is formatted
- some property names are changed and contain HTML
- null values are included, and the *director *field is omitted
- Date is now in the dd-MM-yyyy format
- a new property is present – N° Film
- filmography is a formatted property, not the default JSON list
- 输出是格式化的
- 一些属性名被改变,包含了HTML
- 输出了null值,字段 director被删除了
- Date的格式为dd-MM-yyyy
- 出现了一个新的属性 - N° Film
- filmography是一个格式化的属性,而不是默认的JSON列表。
4. Gson Deserialization
4.1. Simple Deserialization
Deserialization converts JSON input into Java objects. To illustrate the output, we implement the toString() method in both entity classes:
public class Movie {
public String toString() {
return "Movie [imdbId=" + imdbId + ", director=" + director + ",actors=" + actors + "]";
public class ActorGson {
public String toString() {
return "ActorGson [imdbId=" + imdbId + ", dateOfBirth=" + dateOfBirth + ",filmography=" + filmography + "]";
Then we utilize the serialized JSON and run it through standard Gson deserialization:
String jsonInput = "{\"imdbId\":\"tt0472043\",\"actors\":" + "[{\"imdbId\":\"nm2199632\",\"dateOfBirth\":\"1982-09-21T12:00:00+01:00\"," + "\"filmography\":[\"Apocalypto\",\"Beatdown\",\"Wind Walkers\"]}]}";
Movie outputMovie = new Gson().fromJson(jsonInput, Movie.class);
The output is us our entities, populated with the data from our JSON input:
Movie [imdbId=tt0472043, director=`null`, actors=[ActorGson
[imdbId=nm2199632, dateOfBirth=Tue Sep 21 04:00:00 PDT 1982,
filmography=[Apocalypto, Beatdown, Wind Walkers]]]]
As was the case with the simple serializer:
- the JSON input names must correspond with the Java entity names, or they are set to null.
- dateOfBirth field was translated with the default Gson date pattern, ignoring the time zone.
- JSON 输入的属性名必须和java实体的属性名相同,否则他们将被致成null。
- dateOfBirth字段被转化成了默认的Gson date 格式,忽略了时区。
4.2. Custom Deserialization
Using a custom deserializer allows us to modify the standard deserializer behavior. In this case, we want the date to reflect the correct time zone for dateOfBirth. We use a custom ActorGsonDeserializer on the ActorGson entity to achieve this:
public class ActorGsonDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<ActorGson> {
private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
public ActorGson deserialize(JsonElement json, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
JsonElement jsonImdbId = jsonObject.get("imdbId");
JsonElement jsonDateOfBirth = jsonObject.get("dateOfBirth");
JsonArray jsonFilmography = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("filmography");
ArrayList<String> filmList = new ArrayList<String>();
if (jsonFilmography != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < jsonFilmography.size(); i++) {
ActorGson actorGson = new ActorGson(jsonImdbId.getAsString(),
sdf.parse(jsonDateOfBirth.getAsString()), filmList);
return actorGson;
We employed a SimpleDateFormat parser to parse the input date, accounting for the time zone.
Note that we could have decided to simply write a custom deserializer for only the Date, but the ActorGsonDeserializer offers a more detailed view of the deserialization process.
Also note that the Gson approach does not require modifying the *ActorGson *entity, which is ideal as we may not always have access to the input entity. We use the custom deserializer here:
我们部署了一个SimpleDateFormat parser用以解析输入的date数据,它会考虑时区信息。
String jsonInput = "{\"imdbId\":\"tt0472043\",\"actors\":"
+ "[{\"imdbId\":\"nm2199632\",\"dateOfBirth\":\"1982-09-21T12:00:00+01:00\", + \"filmography\":[\"Apocalypto\",\"Beatdown\",\"Wind Walkers\"]}]}";
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(ActorGson.class, new ActorGsonDeserializer())
Movie outputMovie = gson.fromJson(jsonInput, Movie.class);
The output is similar to the simple deserializer result, except the date uses correct time zone:
Movie [imdbId=tt0472043, director=null, actors=[ActorGson
[imdbId=nm2199632, dateOfBirth=Tue Sep 21 12:00:00 PDT 1982,
filmography=[Apocalypto, Beatdown, Wind Walkers]]]]
5. Jackson Maven Dependency
You can get the latest version of Jackson here.
6. Jackson Serialization
6.1. Simple Serialization
Here we will use Jackson to obtain the same serialized content we had with Gson using the following entities. Note that the entity’s getters/setters must be public:
public class ActorJackson {
private String imdbId;
private Date dateOfBirth;
private List<String> filmography;
// required getters and setters, default constructor
// and field constructor details omitted`
public class Movie {
private String imdbId;
private String director;
private List<ActorJackson> actors;
// required getters and setters, default constructor
// and field constructor details omitted
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
ActorJackson rudyYoungblood = new ActorJackson("nm2199632",sdf.parse("21-09-1982"),
Arrays.asList("Apocalypto","Beatdown","Wind Walkers") );
Movie movie = new Movie("tt0472043","Mel Gibson", Arrays.asList(rudyYoungblood));`
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String jsonResult = mapper.writeValueAsString(movie);
The output is as follows:
{"imdbId":"tt0472043","director":"Mel Gibson","actors":
"filmography":["Apocalypto","Beatdown","Wind Walkers"]}]}
Some notes of interest:
- ObjectMapper is our Jackson serializer/deserializer
- The output JSON is not formatted
- By default, Java Date is translated to *long *value
- ObjectMapper是我们的序列化器/反序列化器
- 输出的JSON数据并没有格式化
- 默认情况下,java Date被转化为long的值
6.2. Custom Serialization
We can create a Jackson serializer for ActorJackson element generation by extending StdSerializer for our entity. Again note that the entity getters/setters must be public:
public class ActorJacksonSerializer extends StdSerializer<ActorJackson> {
private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
public ActorJacksonSerializer(Class t) {
public void serialize(ActorJackson actor, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException {
jsonGenerator.writeStringField("imdbId", actor.getImdbId());
jsonGenerator.writeObjectField("dateOfBirth", actor.getDateOfBirth() != null ? sdf.format(actor.getDateOfBirth()) : null);
jsonGenerator.writeNumberField("N° Film: ", actor.getFilmography() != null ? actor.getFilmography().size() : null);
jsonGenerator.writeStringField("filmography", actor.getFilmography().stream().collect(Collectors.joining("-")));
We create a Movie entity to allow ignoring of the director field:
public class MovieWithNullValue {
private String imdbId;
private String director;
private List<ActorJackson> actors;
// required getters and setters, default constructor
// and field constructor details omitted
Now we can proceed with a custom *ObjectMapper *creation and setup:
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
ActorJackson rudyYoungblood = new ActorJackson("nm2199632", sdf.parse("21-09-1982"),
Arrays.asList("Apocalypto", "Beatdown","Wind Walkers"));
MovieWithNullValue movieWithNullValue = new MovieWithNullValue(null,"Mel Gibson", Arrays.asList(rudyYoungblood));
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addSerializer(new ActorJacksonSerializer(ActorJackson.class));
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String jsonResult = mapper.registerModule(module).writer(new DefaultPrettyPrinter()).writeValueAsString(movieWithNullValue);
The output is formatted JSON that handles null values, formats the date, excludes the directorfield and shows new output of N°:
"actors" : [ {
"imdbId" : "nm2199632",
"dateOfBirth" : "21-09-1982",
"N° Film: " : 3,
"filmography" : "Apocalypto-Beatdown-Wind Walkers"
} ],
"imdbID" : null
7. Jackson Deserialization
7.1. Simple Deserialization
To illustrate the output, we implement the toString() method in both Jackson entity classes:
public class Movie {
public String toString() {
return "Movie [imdbId=" + imdbId + ", director=" + director + ",actors=" + actors + "]";
public class ActorJackson {
public String toString() {
return "ActorJackson [imdbId=" + imdbId + ", dateOfBirth=" + dateOfBirth+ ", filmography=" + filmography + "]";
Then we utilize the serialized JSON and run it through Jackson deserialization:
String jsonInput = "{\"imdbId\":\"tt0472043\",\"actors\":
"filmography\":[\"Apocalypto\",\"Beatdown\",\"Wind Walkers\"]}]}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Movie movie = mapper.readValue(jsonInput, Movie.class);
The output is us our entities, populated with the data from our JSON input:
Movie [imdbId=tt0472043, director=null, actors=[ActorJackson
[imdbId=nm2199632, dateOfBirth=Tue Sep 21 04:00:00 PDT 1982,
filmography=[Apocalypto, Beatdown, Wind Walkers]]]]
As was the case with the simple serializer:
- the JSON input names must correspond with the Java entity >names, or they are set to null,
- dateOfBirth field was translated with the default Jackson date pattern, ignoring the time zone.
*dateOfBirth字段被转化为了默认的Jackson date格式,不考虑时区信息。
7.2. Custom Deserialization
Using a custom deserializer allows us to modify the standard deserializer behavior.
In this case, we want the date to reflect the correct time zone for *dateOfBirth, *so we add a DateFormatter to our Jackson ObjectMapper:
在这种情况下,我们想要date为dateOfBirth反应出正确的时区信息,所以我们为Jackson ObjectMapper加入了一个DateFormatter:
String jsonInput = "{\"imdbId\":\"tt0472043\",\"director\":\"Mel Gibson\",
\"actors\":[{\"imdbId\":\"nm2199632\",\"dateOfBirth\":\"1982-09-21T12:00:00+01:00\",\"filmography\":[\"Apocalypto\",\"Beatdown\",\"Wind Walkers\"]}]}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
Movie movie = mapper.readValue(jsonInput, Movie.class);
The output reflects the correct time zone with the date:
Movie [imdbId=tt0472043, director=Mel Gibson, actors=[ActorJackson
[imdbId=nm2199632, dateOfBirth=Tue Sep 21 12:00:00 PDT 1982,filmography=[Apocalypto, Beatdown, Wind Walkers]]]]
This solution is clean and simple.
Alternatively, we could have created a custom deserializer for the ActorJackson class, registered this module with our ObjectMapper, and deserialized the date using the @JsonDeserialize annotation on the ActorJackson entity.
The disadvantage of that approach is the need to modify the entity, which may not be ideal for cases when we don’t have access to the input entity classes.
8. Conclusion
Both Gson and Jackson are good options for serializing/deserializing JSON data, simple to use and well documented.
Advantages of Gson:
- Simplicity of toJson/fromJson in the simple cases
- For deserialization, do not need access to the Java entities
- toJson/fromJson的简洁性。
- 反序列化不需要访问java实体。
Advantages of Jackson:
- Built into all JAX-RS (Jersey, Apache CXF, RESTEasy, Restlet), and Spring framework
- Extensive annotation support
*内嵌于all JAX-RS (Jersey, Apache CXF, RESTEasy, Restlet), 和Spring 框架。