S01-36 Go away,cat—by宣妈Viver@Wei

2019-08-18  本文已影响0人  Viver_421c

❤On the cover page, you can see a cat here and you can also see 3 kids here.But the kids are standing inside the house.They're looking at the cat through the window.The cat is sleeping.What happened? Let's see the title go away cat.Why do they want the cat go away?The cat looks so cute.

❤1There is a little cat ,it is so cute and what is the cat doing?is the cat still sleeping here, no ,one of eyes is open and one of is closed.That means he is still sleepy.Why did he open his eyes?Oh, there is a kid talking to him.Biff is saying to him, Biff is showing her one hand.What does this mean?That means She wants this cat to go away.Why is she asking him to go away?Remember we talked about  go away Floppy, because floppy wanted to play with the kids ,but the kids are busy. They didn't want to play with floppy so they said go away floppy.At this time, the cat just wants to have a break.Do you think it's gonna go away?We don't know. Let's look at Kipper, Kipper is standing inside the house.Why he didn't go out.I don't know.

❤2-3Now Kipper is out and you can also see Biff.She is putting the hands on the waist.The cat is so cute, the cat is here.I think Kipper likes it very much.Let's read the go away. Cat a dog is coming, oh. That's the reason.Which dog?

❤4-5,,We see Floppy here, Floppy is still inside the house.Cheip  is standing in front of the cat.He is talking to the cat.Go away little cat a big dog is coming which is the big dog Floppy is coming.But the cat didn't move at all.he is licking his leg.

❤6-7We see the kids are standing in the line and also the cat.Look at he cat, the cat is shocked by floppy.Oh, I'm worried about the little cat too.Look at floppy, Floppy has a fierce face.He wanted to get the cat.that is the dog's favorite thing?

❤8,Did Floppy get the  cat.No,Floppy is running with a miserable face.He is running so fast, who is chasing him.The little black cat is coming.And he is so fierce, so Floppy is shocked.It's a funny story.


