


健身(有氧aerobics)运动从国外流利到国内,很多人每天锻炼来保持身材。值得注意的是,很多美国人每年会进行一次全身检查(complete physical examination),届时,医生为检查者测脉搏、量血压,还可能进行验血及X光检查。最后医生可能开出一套保健良方(包括保健和运动)。参加运动计划之前也一定要做健康检查,否则健身房的负责人可能受罚。Exercise class也会有beginner's class 和 advanced class(nonstop连续不停的那种)。所以,如果在家健身的你,一定要量力而行哦。
As we know, health is very important in our life. 那么,除了健康的饮食,再来就是运动了。今天我们一起来看看关于运动与健身的相关话题吧。
What sports do you enjoy playing?
Why do you like it?
Do you exercise regularly?
Who do you play with?
Where do you play?
Are you in good condition?
How do you keep fit?
play golf 打高尔夫
play soccer 踢足球
play baseball 打棒球
play tennis 打网球
play volleyball 打排球
play hockey 打冰球/曲棍球
play basketball 打篮球
play football 英式足球/美式橄榄球
play badminton 打羽毛球
play ping-pong 打乒乓球
go bike riding 骑车
go hiking 徒步
go ice-skating 滑冰
go skiing 滑雪
jump rope 跳绳
row a bow 划船
boxing 拳击
diving 跳水
weightlifting 举重
Tai Chi 太极
kung fu 功夫
athlete 运动员
captain 队长
coach 教练
referee 裁判
gold medal 金牌
silver medal 银牌
bronze medal 铜牌
marathon 马拉松
World Cup(国际足联)世界杯
Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会
workout 体育锻炼:
He works out regularly.
keep shape/fit 保持身材:
I always eat healthy food to keep fit.
No problem.
It's a snap.
No sweat.
It's a piece of cake.
当然,像我这样的lazy bone比较适合做一个coach potato,一让我运动,我就会说:
It's tough.
It's difficult.
I'm exhausted.

接下来,通过一篇短文给大家分享10 simple ways to improve your health.


No! No! No!
最后,带大家来感受一下国外Aerobics Center 中的片段:
Let's get in our lines. We're going to take it slow first. Stretch up (伸展) ... and we're going to go left first (先伸左手)... 2, 3, 4 ... now switch (换手)... OK, hold to the right(停在右手). Sunrises(双手合抱上举). Stretch it out(尽量伸直). Flat back水平拉回. Bring it up(抬手) ... and twists(扭摆) ... and side (侧面)... 2, 3 ... and left ... push ... push ... turn ... hit the floor(触地板). Take it side again .... OK, and switch. Stretch it out. And we're going to warm down(舒缓) with a tango(探戈). Left, right. Enjoy it.
OK,hope you enjoy doing sports and keeping in good condition!

如果你有更多想了解的知识或你有好的keep fit的方法也可以留言与大家一起分享哟。