

2017-07-04  本文已影响28人  徐心心

整整三个月跟着kk花花老师,读完了《7 habits》,难度超乎想象,收获更是超出预期,千言万语汇成一句话:It deserves it!下面奉上我的读书笔记:

Before I read this book I never thought I could be motivated, be touched so deeply and get so  much.That was definitely out of my expectation.At first, I just took the book as a tool to learn English,what I concerned most was the grammar and the vocabulary. And then after I read the first two habits of the book, I considered it as a wonderful book about time management and self-improvement.But I was wrong again, after I finished reading the book, I knew it was a really fantastic book about, not only time management ,but also parenting,  personal management, social technique, and emotion.Here are what I believe the most useful information for me:

The 7habits:

1.【Proactive】.It means not only taking initiative but also, we should be responsible for our lives.We don't have to be controlled bu the circle of concerns, but have to spend time on our circle of influence, try our best to expand it.

2.【Begin with the end】.In this habit, I learn one important method that is we should identify our centers , and write ourpersonal mission statements.

3.【Put first things first】.Doing activities in Quadrant 2.I think that is the key to the fourth generation of time management.According to the author, he thinks the fourth generation could not be called time management, but be known as personnal management.It's opportunity-centered.People who use this way to manage time, they always feed opportunities but sarve problems.They have the expanded mind and deepened value to focus on the important but not so urgent things.

4.【Think win-win】.Actually this idea was not new to me , but it was difficult one to achieve. Because no matter how often I told  myself I should think win-win, it was still so easy for me to go to the win-lose way. After learnt this book, I found the reason. The key is we should remember besides win-win , there is another choice named no deal.And besides scarcity mentality there's a better one named abundance mentality.

5.【Seek to understand,Then to be understood】.In this habit,the author mostly emphasizes the importance of listening. And I get an technique about how to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk. I have learned this perspective from another parenting book named P.E.T before , I am so surprised that I can get the same knowledge from a management book.And this method could also be applied to the emotional problems.

6.【Synergize】.We should remember there's always a third alternative. We should value differences and accept the existence of the disagreement. Besides win-win there is another choice named no deal.I figures the synergy is also about abundance mentality , this mentality is the soul spirit of  the corporation and synergy.

7.【Renewal the upward spiral】. The author suggests us to renew ourselves in 4 dimensions in a fixed period. I did it when I read it, but I gave up. One hour a day was not so effortless to keep up. But I know this activity is definitely in Quadrant 2, it's important.

Besides the 7habits I want to talk about one more significant point in this book, that's integrity. I find that the author use this word for 65 times in this book. How important it is! That should be my priority number one principle I have to keep in my mind.


