
2019-10-28  本文已影响0人  长较瘦

基本内置聚集函数通常需要和GROUP BY子句一起使用。如果没有使用GROUP BY子句,聚集函数会缺省按照整行所有列来进行聚集。

  1. 无GROUP BY子句的聚集
> SELECT       
> count(*) as rowcnt1,       
> count(1) as rowcnt2 -- same to count(*)      
> FROM employee;      
| rowcnt1 | rowcnt2 |      
| 4       | 4       |      
1 row selected (0.184 seconds)
  1. 有GROUP BY子句的聚集
> SELECT       
> gender_age.gender, count(*) as row_cnt      
> FROM employee      
> GROUP BY gender_age.gender;      
| gender_age.gender  | row_cnt  |      
| Female             | 2        |      
| Male               | 3        |      
2 rows selected (100.565 seconds)            
-- The column name selected is not a group by columns causes error      
> SELECT       
> name, gender_age.gender, count(*) as row_cnt      
> FROM employee GROUP BY gender_age.gender;      
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException       
[Error 10025]: Line 2:1 Expression not in GROUP BY key 'name' (state=42000,code=10025) 
  1. 在同一个SELECT语句中有多个聚集函数
> SELECT       
> gender_age.gender, avg(gender_age.age) as avg_age,      
> count(*) as row_cnt      
> FROM employee GROUP BY gender_age.gender;       
| gender_age.gender  |       avg_age       | row_cnt  |      
| Female             | 42.0                | 2        |      
| Male               | 31.666666666666668  | 3        |      
2 rows selected (98.857 seconds)
  1. 聚集函数可以和条件函数等嵌套使用
> SELECT       
> sum(CASE WHEN gender_age.gender = 'Male'      
> THEN gender_age.age ELSE 0 END)/      
> count(CASE WHEN gender_age.gender = 'Male' THEN 1      
> ELSE NULL END) as male_age_avg       
> FROM employee;      
|    male_age_avg     |      
| 31.666666666666668  |      
1 row selected (38.415 seconds)            
> SELECT      
> sum(coalesce(gender_age.age,0)) as age_sum,      
> sum(if(gender_age.gender = 'Female',gender_age.age,0)) as       female_age_sum      
> FROM employee;      
| age_sum  | female_age_sum |      
| 179      | 84             |      
1 row selected (42.137 seconds)
  1. GROUP BY子句可以使用表达式
> SELECT      
> if(name = 'Will', 1, 0) as name_group,       
> count(name) as name_cnt       
> FROM employee       
> GROUP BY if(name = 'Will', 1, 0);      
| name_group | name_cnt |      
| 0          | 3        |      
| 1          | 1        |      
2 rows selected (23.749 seconds)
  1. 聚集函数不可以嵌套使用
> SELECT avg(count(*)) as row_cnt FROM employee;      
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException     
[Error 10128]: Line 1:11 Not yet       
supported place for UDAF 'count' (state=42000,code=10128)
  1. 聚集函数对NULL值的处理差异
> SELECT max(null), min(null), count(null);      
| _c0  | _c1  | _c2 |      
| NULL | NULL |  0  |      
1 row selected (23.54 seconds)            
> SELECT sum(null), avg(null);      
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED:       
UDFArgumentTypeException Only numeric or string type       
arguments are accepted but void is passed.       
 -- Create a table t for testing      
> CREATE TABLE t (val1 int, val2 int);      
> INSERT INTO TABLE t VALUES (1, 2),(null,2),(2,3);      
No rows affected (0.138 seconds)             
-- Check the rows in the table created      
> SELECT * FROM t;      
| t.val1  | t.val2  |      
| 1       | 2       |      
| NULL    | 2       |      
| 2       | 3       |      
3 rows selected (0.069 seconds)            
-- The 2nd row (NULL, 2) is ignored when doing sum(val1 + val2)      
> SELECT sum(val1), sum(val1 + val2) FROM t;       
| _c0  | _c1  |      
| 3    | 8    |      
1 row selected (57.775 seconds)            
> SELECT       
> sum(coalesce(val1,0)),      
> sum(coalesce(val1,0) + val2)       
> FROM t;      
| _c0  | _c1  |      
| 3    | 10   |      
1 row selected (69.967 seconds)
  1. 聚集函数和DISTINCT关键字组合使用
> SELECT       
> count(DISTINCT gender_age.gender) as gender_uni_cnt,      
> count(DISTINCT name) as name_uni_cnt      
> FROM employee;           
| gender_uni_cnt  | name_uni_cnt  |      
| 2               | 5             |      
1 row selected (35.935 seconds)
> SELECT gender_age.gender, 
> max(struct(gender_age.age, name)).col1 as age,
> max(struct(gender_age.age, name)).col2 as name
> FROM employee
> GROUP BY gender_age.gender;
| gender_age.gender | age | name |
| Female            | 57  | Lucy |
| Male              | 35  | Will |
2 rows selected (26.896 seconds)
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