【看美剧学英语】生活大爆炸718 神秘谋杀夜
How's it going? 大家好吗
Raj put a lot of effort into this. Raj为此费了不少心思呢
Any question but that. 这个问题不能问
Suit yourself. 随你
There's no going back. 你休想拿回去
I may need to cut you off. 我就不跟你过去了
I beg to differ. 恕难同意
So I guess you two are making it work long distance. 看来你们异地恋也能成啊
That is no way to speak to your mother. 你不能这样对你妈妈说话
But I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness. 但我不想阻碍你幸福
No, don't look to him. He's mad at you right now. 别指望他 他现在正生你气呢