You Drive Your Own Life 20200509
The end of one story is merely the begining of another one.
It's Saturday and cloudy, i woke up about 4:10 this morning, i had noodles in the dinning room about 7:10, i will go home this afternoon, and go back next Monday.
I need to stay at home tomorrow, because it is mother's day tomorrow. i will accompany my family the whole day.
Relative Automotive New:
1 Lixiang One auto company is only the assembly of the parts and compoents, and they didn't own the indenpendent research bility for the core compoents.
2 GM said the benifit of the first season exceed the forecast and pushed shares up by 5.3%, and they will open the US plants on 18 May.
From Fernando:
He is the qquality manager of Mexico plant. he asked me what's the PDM system, i told me that it is computer and loading a system, that the operators can check the work instructions on line quickly.
Morning Meeting:
To Neal:
he should get the quotation of the break disc that used on Krauss testing machine from Xianyang.