
2016-10-16  本文已影响8人  花盐说

Yesterday,I finished the last episode of Friends.Rachel got off the plan to Paris,and come back to Ross;Monica and Chandler had their twin babies;Phoebe got married;Everything was great.But Monica and Chandler moved out to the country,the apartment was empty. The moment they gave out the keys,my tears busted out.Why everything had to end.They should be together forever.Friends forever.

I wish it never end.I love it so much.What should I watch tomorrow? I watch the show since last year.I watched it when I was happy and unhappy.eating and rest.Everytime,I told myself that I can watch only 2 or 3 episodes and then went to bed or done the work on the list.But always and always,it turned out to be 5 episodes or more. I was totally attracted.and could not stop.

I love everyone of the show.Monica, got everything organized and cleaned;Rachel,beautiful,lovely,spoiled pricess ;Joey,love food and sexy woman;Ross,Paleontologist, a big fan odinosaur;Chandler,handsome and a master at telling funny joke.Phoebe,a weird  and wonderful girls;Janice,always saying "oh my god!";and the cute chiken and duck.and the Center Perke coffee house.

It is really amazing to see them from a yong girl or yong man turned to be a little older for 10 years.Some became a little fat ,some get married and some became a mommy.The only thing nerver changed was they were frirends forver.

I really hope i can get friends like them.

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