
2019-02-08  本文已影响200人  英语学习社



中国知识基础设施(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI、其主要访问平台是中国知网)是在教育部、中共中央宣传部、科技部、国家新闻出版广电总局、国家计委的大力支持下,由清华大学直接领导的一项知识工程。

CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) is a key national information construction project under the lead of Tsinghua University, and supported by PRC Ministry of Education, PRC Ministry of Science, Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China and PRC General Administration of Press and Publication.



In 1999, CNKI started to develop online databases. Till now, CNKI has built a comprehensive China Integrated Knowledge Resources System, including journals, doctoral dissertations, masters' theses, proceedings, newspapers, yearbooks, statistical yearbooks, ebooks, patents, standards and so on.


《金融时报(Financial Times)》2017年9月的一篇文章中这么介绍:CNKI,a commercial venture connected to Tsinghua University.

The two online sites he examined are the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, a commercial venture connected to Tsinghua University, and the National Social Sciences Database, a government-sponsored platform.


美国《国家利益(The National Interest)》杂志2015年一篇讲述美国情报体系的文章中也提到了CNKI:

For example, the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database could offer a fantastic amount of useful periodicals going back years if readily available on desktops as many top-tier universities now offer. Additionally, CNKI does contain articles inaccessible from abroad, so the Intelligence Community (IC) access to the database should include Chinese domestic access. CNKI, however, cannot be the end of such collection. Making full use of the database, however, requires time and probably is best used as part of team analytic efforts—or, perhaps, even a structured apprenticeship program.


periodical /ˌpɪərɪˈɒdɪkəl/ 作名词表示“(学术)期刊”,英文解释为“Periodicals are magazines, especially serious or academic ones, that are published at regular intervals.举个🌰:

The walls would be lined with books and periodicals.


通常作形容词或者副词,表示“定期的/地”,英文解释为“Periodical events or situations happen occasionally, at fairly regular intervals.”举个🌰:

She made periodical visits to her dentist.



表示“学徒期;学徒制”,英文解释为“Someone who has an apprenticeship works for a fixed period of time for a person who has a particular skill in order to learn the skill. Apprenticeship is the system of learning a skill like this.

apprentice /əˈprɛntɪs/ 可以作名词,表示“学徒”(An apprentice is a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill.)如:an apprentice electrician 电工学徒;也可以作动词表示“使做学徒”(If a young person is apprenticed to someone, they go to work for them in order to learn their skill.举个🌰:

I was apprenticed to a plumber when I was 9.



最后看一看国内英文媒体《第六声(Six Tone)》2016年的一篇讲述中国作曲家的文章的介绍:

One such example is The China National Knowledge Infrastructure — an information database storing thousands of papers that is restricted to universities or to individuals willing to pay the high membership fees. This is not the case in Europe, where many countries provide free online resources designed to promote and disseminate information about music.


表示“散布,广泛传播(信息或观点)”,英文解释为“to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible举个🌰:

Her findings have been widely disseminated.


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题外话:有条件的童鞋建议用Google Scholar.







