
2020-03-03  本文已影响0人  歸鶴樓主

I can see that tracing one fear, one expression of fear, comes to a central issue. Take one of your fears and go into it very deliberately, watching it; see if you can watch it, if you can objectify it and remain with it and not escape from it. Look at it, go into it step by step and you find the root. Then take another fear: Are the roots different? Or is there only one root with different branches, like a tree? If I can understand that one root completely, then it is finished, whether the fear of death, of loneliness, of losing my job, fear of my not being able to give a talk the day after tomorrow, fear of falling ill. Are they the various movements of this central fear? For me, there is only one fear, the root of it, like an expanding tree. And if the mind can go into that deeply, into the very complex root system, then to examine particular fears has no value.

Now, can the mind—listen to this—look not at the various expressions of the root but the whole root system? It can observe that root system completely only when the mind is not concerned with solving a particular fear. I am afraid of what my wife is going to say, of losing my job, of not being able to fulfill myself in some blasted little work. And I examine each of these fears and I come to the root thing, which is the desire, the will to be, the will to assert. And this desire to be, this demand in that root system for existence, is the factor that brings the various other fears. So can my mind look at this fear, live with it, not try to change it? Because the moment I exert will or choice upon it, my mind is working from confusion, from a conclusion, trying to go beyond it, therefore conflict, and conflict feeds fear.







除了以上最本能的反应,克给我们示范了他的无为法,stay with the fear without trying to changing it. 以下是原文和我的草译:

remain with it and not escape from it. 与恐惧待在一起,不逃避。

It can observe that root system completely only when the mind is not concerned with solving a particular fear. 唯有内心不再纠结于解决某个恐惧,心才能全然地察知恐惧的根系。

So can my mind look at this fear, live with it, not try to change it? Because the moment I exert will or choice upon it, my mind is working from confusion, from a conclusion, trying to go beyond it, therefore conflict, and conflict feeds fear.





谢谢@DaDa @阿布 。


@影符 ,克的话也有情境和前提,比如时间,他偶尔提醒,那是心理时间,不是钟表时间;比如恐惧/安全,是心理安全感,特别是潜伏在信仰、定式、记忆中的安全感,不是生理安全感,比如基本的衣食住行与防护。此时如果用钟表时间反驳他,他的话自然就不成立了。



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