
19、February 2,1951

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      MARKS & CO., Booksellers
        84, Charing Cross Road
            London, W.C. 2

                      2nd February, 1951

Miss Helene Hanff
14 East 95th Street
New York 28, New York

Dear Miss Hanff,
    We are glad you liked the “Q”
anthology. We have no copy of the Oxford
Book of English Prose in stock at the
moment but will try to find one for you.
    About the Sir Roger de Coverley
Papers, we happen to have in stock a
volume of eighteenth century essays which
includes a good selection of them as well
as essays by Chesterfield and Goldsmith.
It is edited by Austin Dobson and is
quite a nice edition and as it is only
$1.15 we have sent it off to you by Book
Post. If you want a more complete
collection of Addison & Steele let me
know and I will try to find one.
    There are six of us in the shop, not
including Mr. Marks and Mr. Cohen.

                        Faithfully Yours,
                        Frank Doel
                        For MARKS & CO.

the Sir Roger de Coverley Papers 《罗杰.德.科费利爵士正传》

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