【代码辅助技术】Javadoc, 及其他常用的代码标注技术

2017-10-01  本文已影响50人  Deeglose


结构:Javadoc包含在文档注释中, 形如 /** documentation */


// import statements

 * @author      Firstname Lastname <address @ example.com>
 * @version     1.6          (current version number of program)
 * @since       1.2          (the version of the package this class was first added to)
public class Test {
    // class body


 * Short one line description.                           (1)
 * <p>
 * Longer description. If there were any, it would be    (2)
 * here.
 * <p>
 * And even more explanations to follow in consecutive
 * paragraphs separated by HTML paragraph breaks.
 * @param  variable Description text text text.          (3)
 * @return Description text text text.
public int methodName (...) {
    // method body with a return statement

包含三部分: 第一部分是单行的简短、清晰的描述;第二部分是详细的解释,可以使用HTML标记;第三部分是描述性标签

 * Description of the variable here.
private int debug = 0;


 * The horizontal and vertical distances of point (x,y)
public int x, y;      // AVOID


Tag & Parameter Usage Applies to Since
@author John Smith Describes an author. Class, Interface, Enum
@version version Provides software version entry. Max one per Class or Interface. Class, Interface, Enum
@since since-text Describes when this functionality has first existed. Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method
@see reference Provides a link to other element of documentation. Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method
@param name description Describes a method parameter. Method
@return description Describes the return value. Method
@exception classname description
@throws classname description Describes an exception that may be thrown from this method. Method
@deprecated description Describes an outdated method. Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method
{@inheritDoc} Copies the description from the overridden method. Overriding Method 1.4.0
{@link reference} Link to other symbol. Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method
{@value #STATIC_FIELD} Return the value of a static field. Static Field 1.4.0
{@code literal} Formats literal text in the code font. It is equivalent to <code>{@literal}</code>. Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method 1.5.0
{@literal literal} Denotes literal text. The enclosed text is interpreted as not containing HTML markup or nested javadoc tags. Class, Interface, Enum, Field, Method 1.5.0


 * Validates a chess move.
 * Use {@link #doMove(int theFromFile, int theFromRank, int theToFile, int theToRank)} to move a piece.
 * @param theFromFile file from which a piece is being moved
 * @param theFromRank rank from which a piece is being moved
 * @param theToFile   file to which a piece is being moved
 * @param theToRank   rank to which a piece is being moved
 * @return            true if the move is valid, otherwise false
boolean isValidMove(int theFromFile, int theFromRank, int theToFile, int theToRank) {
    // ...body

 * Moves a chess piece.
 * @see java.math.RoundingMode
void doMove(int theFromFile, int theFromRank, int theToFile, int theToRank)  {
    // ...body



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