

2018-02-26  本文已影响14人  大汪小喵

美国和朝核干上了,这不,BBC新闻“US ties any North Korea talks to nuclear arms”占据了BBC各个版面的头条,美国说了,any dialogue with North Korea must have nuclear disarmament as the end goal,朝鲜也在平壤冬奥会的最后一天给出回应,回应挺简单,it was ready for talks。朝鲜、韩国和美国的剧情和某些电视剧一样狗血,先前,美国插足,朝鲜和韩国于朝鲜战争后正式分手,the Korean peninsula has been divided since the 1950-53 war and the two sides have never signed a peace treaty。此后,韩国和美国越来越亲热,而如今,朝鲜和韩国出现了重归于好的势头,朝鲜最近频频放话,举例来讲, “very willing” to hold talks with the US,inter-Korea talks and North-US relations should improve together,Pyongyang’s foreign ministry praised the way the two Koreas had co-operated together during the Olympics,US had “brought the threat of war to the Korean peninsula with large-scale new sanctions。总之,朝鲜愿意和前夫以及小三进行谈判,态度也很明显,边夸自家前老公好,边诋毁小三的可恶。

旁边看热闹的人越扎越多,某些专家一脸严肃义正言辞,放出总结性的论点, the latest developments do not put an end to underlying regional tensions;韩国媒体挺乐观,is abuzz with suggestions that North-US talks could still take place;韩国某官员的想法代表了一大票吃瓜群众,他只放出三个字,We will see。

实际上,朝鲜已经开始摆正自己原配夫人的态度,North Korea has sent an eight-person team across the border。美国也派出了相应的代表,只可惜,第一次会晤因为某些不为人知的原因取消了。至此,there has been no official interaction between North Korea and the Trump administration。



nuclear arms 核武器

nuclear disarmament 解除核武器

Korean peninsula 朝鲜半岛

peacy treaty 和平条约

sanction 制裁

underlying regional tensions 潜在的地区性紧张局势

abuzz with 叽叽喳喳

official interaction 官方互动


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