02 声音,视频,语速,内容
2017-07-24 本文已影响0人
Can you hear me? 你能听到我的声音吗?
Yes,I can(hear you). 是的,我能听见
No, I can‘t (hear you), 不,我听不见
Can you hear me? 你能听到我的声音吗?
Could you turn the volume up? 你能把音量调高?
Could you turn the volume down? 你能把音量调低?
Can you see me? 你能看见我吗?
Yes, I can( see you), 是的,我能看见你
No, I can't( see you ) 不, 我看不见你
I can't see you, 我不能看见你
Do you have a camera? 你有摄像头吗?
No, I don't( have a camera) 不, 我没有
Am I speaking fast? 我语速快吗?
No, it's all right . 不, 语速不快
Could you speak more slowly? 你能说的慢点吗?
Could you speak a little faster? 你能说的快点吗?
You chose Text Lesson, right? 不知道如何解释?
Yes, that's right 是的,没错
No, I chose Free Talk. 不,我选择免费交流课