I should confess that sometimes I am arrogant. I don’t know why I am arrogant. I don’t know what make me despise something and regard them easy to handle. Maybe the book “pride and prejudice” can help me find the answer.
And I suddenly found I was pushing and swanky. I promised Shirley to find the expressions of toilet as many as possible. But I didn’t look it up immediately. However, our monitor, Hue Yin gave a table of almost all the toilet expressions at once. So I need to do more and speak less.
Finally, be braver and more confident to communicate with others. Actually, I can give more advice than I did, but I don’t do that. Because I think that may make others awkward. Anyway, go ahead and learn more.
听力方面,刚给出听力链接的时候,我试听了一下,so easy嘛。但是listen and write them down的时候还是出了一些错。等到听白雪老师讲解的时候又发现,虽然听上去貌似很简单,但是这段我认为简单的练习了藏了很多有意思的背景知识,比如说unicef联合国儿童紧急救助基金会。另外还可以就某个单词进行发散扩展,例如toilet and latrine。所以,即使看似简单,也要认真对待。
Better an old queen than never a queen at all. 尽管自己的作业还是没有很准时,但还是厚着脸皮晚交作业,赖在群里继续学习。相较于之前干脆放弃的我来说也是另一种进步吧。