

2019-01-22  本文已影响0人  爱做白日梦的虾皇饺小姐


李延年 - 北方有佳人 | 北方有佳人,绝世而独立。

There is a beauty in the northern lands; Unequaled, high above the world she stands.

江南 | 江南可采莲,莲叶何田田。鱼戏莲叶间。

Let's gather lotus seed by southern rivershore!

The lotus sways with teeming leaves we adore.

Among the leaves fish play and make love.

原句是怎么看出来“鱼戏”是在make love的?果然是我太单纯...

白头吟 | 愿得一心人,白头不相离。

If I'd wed one with single heart, Even white-haired, we would not part.

曹操 - 短歌行 | 对酒当歌,人生几何?譬如朝露,去日苦多。慨当以慷,忧思难忘。何以解忧?惟有杜康。青青子衿,悠悠我心。但为君故,沉吟至今。

We should sing before wine. For how long can life last? Like dew on morning fine, So many days have passed. How can we be unbound, By grief which weighed us down? Grief can only be drowned, In wine of good renown. Talents with collars blue, For you I pine away. So much I long for you, My heart aches night and day.

曹操 - 短歌行 | 月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。绕树三匝,何枝可依?山不厌高,海不厌深。周公吐哺,天下归心。

The moon's bright and stars nice, The crows in southward flight, They circle the trees thrice; There's no branch to alight. With crags high mountains rise; With water the sea's deep. With the help of the wise, An ordered world we'll keep.

曹植 - 野田黄雀行 | 高树多悲风,海水扬其波。利剑不在掌,结交何须多?

The grievous wind raves through tall trees, And raises billows on the seas.

Without a sharpened sword in hand, In vain have I friends in the land.

张华 - 情诗·其三 | 清风动帷帘,晨月照幽房。佳人处遐远,兰室无容光。

The soft breeze ripples curtains drawn, In lonely moonlit room at dawn.

My love still stays in far-off place; My orchid room sees not his face.

陶潜 - 癸卯岁十二月中作与从弟敬远 | 历览千载书,时时见遗烈。高操非所攀,谬得固穷节。

I can peruse but books of olden days, In which I find deeds worthy of memory.

I cannot climb the old time-honored ways, Tough wrongly praised for honest poverty.

陶潜 - 乙巳岁三月为建威参军使都经钱溪 | 晨夕看山川,事事悉如昔。微雨洗高林,清飙矫云翮。

Dawn to dusk I see hills and streams, Scenes are revived as in old dreams.

In fine rain steeped the branches high, Wind-borne birds ripple cloudy sky.

陶潜 - 归园田居·其四 | 一世异朝市,此语真不虚。人生似幻化,终当归空无。

Tirty years passed in town and court, Everything has changed, it is true.

Life is a vison fair and short; All will vanish into the blue.

陶潜 - 移居 | 邻曲时时来,抗言谈在昔。奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析。

My neighbors may call now or then, And talk of olden days and men.

We'll read good writings we enjoy, And solve the questions which annoy.

陶潜 - 饮酒·五 | 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。

I pick chrysanthemums at will, Carefree, I see the Southern Hill.

The mountain air is fresh day and night, Together birds go home in flight.

陶潜 - 饮酒·八 | 吾生梦幻间,何事绁尘羁!

Life changes from lost illusion to vain dreams, Why should I be drowned in eventful streams?

陶潜 - 杂诗·一 | 落地为兄弟,何必骨肉亲?

When born, I may be called your brother, Why then should we not love each other?

陶潜 - 杂诗·六 | 有子不留金,何用身后置!

I'd leave no money for my sons; There's no need if they're worthy ones.

谢灵运 - 岁暮 | 明月照积雪,朔风劲且哀。运往无淹物,年逝觉易催。

The moon shines bright all o'er white snow; The north wind blows strong out of woe.

World changed, nothing unchanged can stay; The year passed, life will pass away.

沈约 - 临高台 | 高台不可望,望远使人愁。

Don't climb up on the height! You'll be grieved at the sight.

沈约 - 六忆诗四首·二 | 忆坐时,点点罗帐前。或歌四五曲,或弄两三弦。笑时应无比,嗔时更可怜。

I think how she was seen, Sitting before the dotted screen, Now four or five songs she would sing; Now twice or thrice she'd pluck her string. Smiling, she was beyond compare; When vexed, more lovable than e'er.

吴均 - 春咏 | 云障青锁闼,风吹承露台。

The clouds have barred green-fretted gate; The wind's caressed dew-holding plate.

杨广 - 春江花月夜 | 暮江平不动,春花满正开。流波将月去,潮水带星来。

The river's calm when ends the day; Spring flowers bloom by riverside.

The waves carry the moon away; The stars rise and fall with the tide.

杨广 - 野望 | 寒鸦飞数点,流水绕孤村。斜阳欲落处,一望黯销魂。

Here and there fly a thousand dots of crows; Around a lonely village water flows,

The slanting sun bids to the day adieu. How can my heart not break at this sad view!

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