#读书写字17# Good Economics for Bad

2021-05-15  本文已影响0人  Amber_Zhao

全球化、经济滞涨、技术进步导致的破坏性后果、移民与不平等问题、环境危机 – 这些在全球范围任何一个国家都无法回避的、导致焦虑和不安的字眼,该如何应对?正如作者在书中所表述的,我们并不缺少人力、物力资源去应对这些问题,缺少的是帮助我们跨越分歧、不信任和分裂壁垒的思想。

这本书的作者是MIT 经济学家,2019年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Abhijit V. Banerjee和 Esther Duflo。 本书旨在将他们在经济学领域前沿的研究结果,用清晰、优雅的文字传达给读者,大力倡导这样的理念:正确地运用经济学原理,进行明智地干预(intelligent interventionism),以同情与尊重为基础构筑社会。


本书的最后一句话是这样说的: Economics is too important to be left to


推荐指数 4.5/5

Good economics alonecan not save us, but without it, we are doom to repeat the mistakes of yesterday,ignorance, institutions, ideology, and urnursher combines to give us answers that look plausible,promise much, and predicablely  betrayus. As history elast demonstrate over and over, the ideas that carry the day inthe end, can be good or bad. The only recourse we have against bad ideas is tobe vigilant, resist the seduction of obvious, be sceptical of promisedmiracles,question the evidence, be patient with complexity, and honest aboutwhat we know and what we can’t know. Without that vigilance, conversationsabout mutil facets  problems  turn into slogans and characters , and policyanalysis get replaced by quack remedies. The call to action is not just for academiceconomicsts, it is for all of us who want a better , saner more humane world. Economicsis too important to be left to economists.


