
2017-06-07  本文已影响0人  Obeing
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// initialize element
    var el = compiler.el = compiler.setupElement(options)
// setupElement方法 
CompilerProto.setupElement = function (options) {
    // create the node first 判断el是不是字符串,如果是则用querySelector去获取,如果不是,则判断是否存在,如果否根据tagName创建一个标签
    var el = typeof options.el === 'string'
        ? document.querySelector(options.el)
        : options.el || document.createElement(options.tagName || 'div')

    var template = options.template,
        child, replacer, i, attr, attrs
// 如果template选项存在则,遍历循环el元素的子元素,并添加到rawContent中,其中由于使用了appendChild方法,每次添加后el.firstchild都会变成下一个子元素
    if (template) {
        // collect anything already in there
        if (el.hasChildNodes()) { // 这里处理时已经将el的子元素append到了this.rawContent上
            this.rawContent = document.createElement('div')
            /* jshint boss: true */
            while (child = el.firstChild) {
        // replace option: use the first node in
        // the template directly 这里是判断是否传入了replace属性, 如果为false将模板插入(注意原来el里面的内容不保留),如果为true,默认为true,template内容直接替换
        if (options.replace && template.firstChild === template.lastChild) { 处理template只有一个元素并且repalce为true时的情况
            replacer = template.firstChild.cloneNode(true)
            if (el.parentNode) {
                el.parentNode.insertBefore(replacer, el)
            // copy over attributes
            if (el.hasAttributes()) {
                i = el.attributes.length
                while (i--) {
                    attr = el.attributes[i]
                    replacer.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value)
            // replace
            el = replacer
        } else {


    // apply element options
    if (options.id) el.id = options.id
    if (options.className) el.className = options.className
    attrs = options.attributes
    if (attrs) {
        for (attr in attrs) {
            el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr])

    return el
repalce用法 repalce用法2 Paste_Image.png Paste_Image.png Paste_Image.png Paste_Image.png 钩子函数的定义.png
CompilerProto.setupObserver = function () {
    var compiler = this,
        bindings = compiler.bindings,
        options  = compiler.options,
        observer = compiler.observer = new Emitter(compiler.vm)

    // a hash to hold event proxies for each root level key
    // so they can be referenced and removed later
    observer.proxies = {}

    // add own listeners which trigger binding updates
    // 为compiler的binding绑定事件
    // compiler.bindings = utils.hash() 追踪utils..hash() 可以找到 
     *  Create a prototype-less object
     *  which is a better hash/map 
    * 通过Object.create(null)创建出来的对象是一个无属性对象,可以更好的做一个hash映射
       * hash: function () {
       *  return Object.create(null)
        .on('get', onGet)
        .on('set', onSet)
        .on('mutate', onSet)
    // register hooks
    var i = hooks.length, j, hook, fns
    while (i--) {
        hook = hooks[i]
        fns = options[hook]
        if (Array.isArray(fns)) { // 从源码看每个钩子可以挂一个函数也可以挂一个数组
            j = fns.length
            // since hooks were merged with child at head,
            // we loop reversely.
            while (j--) {
                registerHook(hook, fns[j])
        } else if (fns) {
            registerHook(hook, fns)

    // broadcast attached/detached hooks
        .on('hook:attached', function () {
        .on('hook:detached', function () {
// DepsParser 是通过一个记录触发getterd时自动提取一个计算属性依赖关系的模块
    function onGet (key) {
        DepsParser.catcher.emit('get', bindings[key])
    function onSet (key, val, mutation) {
        observer.emit('change:' + key, val, mutation)
    function registerHook (hook, fn) {
        observer.on('hook:' + hook, function () {
    function broadcast (event) {
        var children = compiler.children
        if (children) {
            var child, i = children.length
            while (i--) {
                child = children[i]
                if (child.el.parentNode) {
                    event = 'hook:' + (event ? 'attached' : 'detached')
    function check (key) {
        if (!bindings[key]) {
            compiler.createBinding(key)   // 下面分析createBinding ,这里先理解为创建一个对象
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CompilerProto.execHook = function (event) {
    event = 'hook:' + event
data = compiler.data = vm.$data
var vmProp
    for (key in vm) {
        vmProp = vm[key]
        if (
            key.charAt(0) !== '$' &&  /
            data[key] !== vmProp &&
            typeof vmProp !== 'function'
        ) {
            data[key] = vmProp

这将将数据属性转换为getter / setter

- 解析template模板

CompilerProto.resolveContent = function () {
    var outlets = slice.call(this.el.getElementsByTagName('content')), // 这里抽离出template中的content,可以将原来el中的内容提出,
                                                                       // 例如: template: "<div><content></content></div>"
        raw = this.rawContent, // 在初始化元素中设置的rawContent,里面包含el原有的元素
        outlet, select, i, j, main

  i = outlets.length
    if (i) {
        // first pass, collect corresponding content
        // for each outlet.
        while (i--) {
            outlet = outlets[i]
            if (raw) { // 如果el原来存在有子元素
                select = outlet.getAttribute('select')
                if (select) { // select content
                    outlet.content =
                } else { // default content
                    main = outlet
            } else { // fallback content
                outlet.content =
        // second pass, actually insert the contents
        for (i = 0, j = outlets.length; i < j; i++) {
            outlet = outlets[i]
            if (outlet === main) continue
            insert(outlet, outlet.content)
        // finally insert the main content
        if (raw && main) {
            insert(main, slice.call(raw.childNodes)) //将原来el的子元素插入content的父元素中

    function insert (outlet, contents) {
        var parent = outlet.parentNode,
            i = 0, j = contents.length
        for (; i < j; i++) {
            parent.insertBefore(contents[i], outlet)

    this.rawContent = null

if (nodeType === 1 && node.tagName !== 'SCRIPT') { // a normal node
this.compileElement(node, root)

- **this.compileElement(node, root)** // node为el,root = true

// 以<div id="demo">
//  <b>{{test}}</b>
// </div> 分析vue是如何编译 
CompilerProto.compileElement = function (node, root) {

    if (node.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' && node.value) {
        node.value = this.eval(node.value)

    if (node.hasAttributes() || node.tagName.indexOf('-') > -1) {

        // skip anything with v-pre
        if (utils.attr(node, 'pre') !== null) { // utils将处理v-pre,获取此属性值

        var i, l, j, k

priorityDirectives = [
        for (i = 0, l = priorityDirectives.length; i < l; i++) {
            if (this.checkPriorityDir(priorityDirectives[i], node, root)) {

        // 检查是否有transition和animation属性
        node.vue_trans  = utils.attr(node, 'transition')
        node.vue_anim   = utils.attr(node, 'animation')
        node.vue_effect = this.eval(utils.attr(node, 'effect'))

        var prefix = config.prefix + '-',
            params = this.options.paramAttributes,
            attr, attrname, isDirective, exp, directives, directive, dirname

          // v-with 在其他指令中有特别优先权
        if (root) {
            var withExp = utils.attr(node, 'with')
            if (withExp) {
                directives = this.parseDirective('with', withExp, node, true)
                for (j = 0, k = directives.length; j < k; j++) {
                    this.bindDirective(directives[j], this.parent)

        var attrs = slice.call(node.attributes)
        for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {

            attr = attrs[i]
            attrname = attr.name
            isDirective = false

            if (attrname.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {  //判断是不是v-的指令
                // a directive - split, parse and bind it.
                isDirective = true
                dirname = attrname.slice(prefix.length)
                // build with multiple: true
                directives = this.parseDirective(dirname, attr.value, node, true) // 如果是则走指令的解释通道
                // loop through clauses (separated by ",")
                // inside each attribute
                for (j = 0, k = directives.length; j < k; j++) {
            } else if (config.interpolate) {
                // 非指令属性,检查插值标签
                //返回一个指令友好的表达式 e.g.  a {{b}} c  =>  "a " + b + " c"
                exp = TextParser.parseAttr(attr.value) // attr.value为demo
                if (exp) {
                    directive = this.parseDirective('attr', exp, node)
                    directive.arg = attrname
                    if (params && params.indexOf(attrname) > -1) {
                        // a param attribute... we should use the parent binding
                        // to avoid circular updates like size={{size}}
                        this.bindDirective(directive, this.parent)
                    } else {

            if (isDirective && dirname !== 'cloak') {


    // 递归子元素 
    if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
        slice.call(node.childNodes).forEach(this.compile, this)


else if (nodeType === 3 && config.interpolate) {
// 以<b>{{test}}</b>中的{{test}}的文本节点为例
CompilerProto.compileTextNode = function (node) {

    var tokens = TextParser.parse(node.nodeValue) // node.nodeValue= {{test}},解析后的tokens=[{html:false,key:"test"}]
    if (!tokens) return
    var el, token, directive

    for (var i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++) {

        token = tokens[i] // tokens={html:false,key:"test"}
        directive = null

        if (token.key) { // a binding
            if (token.key.charAt(0) === '>') { // a partial
                el = document.createComment('ref')
                directive = this.parseDirective('partial', token.key.slice(1), el)
            } else {
                if (!token.html) { // text binding
                    el = document.createTextNode('')
                    directive = this.parseDirective('text', token.key, el) // 返回一个包含bind和update函数的对象
                } else { // html binding
                    el = document.createComment(config.prefix + '-html')
                    directive = this.parseDirective('html', token.key, el)
        } else { // a plain string
            el = document.createTextNode(token)

        // insert node
        node.parentNode.insertBefore(el, node) // 将文本元素插入
        // bind directive
        this.bindDirective(directive) // 绑定指令。解析如下

    node.parentNode.removeChild(node)// 删除原来的{{test}}


CompilerProto.bindDirective = function (directive, bindingOwner) {

    if (!directive) return

    // keep track of it so we can unbind() later

    // 对于空或者文字指令我们仅仅调用bind方法
    if (directive.isEmpty || directive.isLiteral) {
        if (directive.bind) directive.bind()

    // otherwise, we got more work to do...
    var binding,
        compiler = bindingOwner || this,
        key      = directive.key

    if (directive.isExp) {
        // expression bindings are always created on current compiler
        binding = compiler.createBinding(key, directive)
    } else {
        while (compiler) {
            if (compiler.hasKey(key)) {
            } else {
                compiler = compiler.parent
        compiler = compiler || this
        binding = compiler.bindings[key] || compiler.createBinding(key)
    directive.binding = binding

    var value = binding.val()
    // invoke bind hook if exists
    if (directive.bind) {
    directive.$update(value, true) // 这里实际上是调用了directives.text的update方法


directives.text = {
    bind: function () {
        this.attr = this.el.nodeType === 3
            ? 'nodeValue'
            : 'textContent'
    update: function (value) { 
        this.el[this.attr] = utils.guard(value) // 设置nodeValue值可以将文本元素直接设为value值
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