每日一词 hitch

2018-12-03  本文已影响0人  AllisonMH

n.(c) 小障碍

hitch=slight problem=obstacle=hinderance=glitch=hiccup=snag=blip

A slight hitch can lead to a deadly disaster. 差之毫厘,谬以千里。

withyout a hitch 非常顺利

The plan was executed without a hitch.  

a technical hitch 技术故障  a legal hitch 法律问题

a slight hitch; a minor hitch; major hitch

There was a slight technical hitch which delayed the plane's take-off.

last-minute hitch 最后时刻出现的故障

There are always a few last-minute hitches at the dress rehearsal. 彩排的时候总会在最后时刻出现几个问题。

without a hitch 顺利

Everything went without a hitch. 一切进展顺利。

There's been a hitch in the plans. 计划中一直有一个障碍。

翻译:Jay Chou held a concert without a hitch.

参考翻译:Jay Chou's concert was held in Beijing without a hitch.

Jay Chou's concert in Beijing went off without a hitch.

造句:I should treat the rehearsal as the real concert in order to make sure the concert will be executed without a hitch.


