
学习词根---Unit 5.6 总结篇

2018-04-08  本文已影响0人  英语英语英语


1. h   2. f   3. d   4. e   5. b   6. g   7. a   8. c

MAL. 源自拉丁语,意为"bad." A malady is a bad condition--a disease or illness--of the body or mind. Malpractice is bad medical practice. Malodorous things smell bad. And a malefactor is someone guilty of bad deeds.

malevolent. Having or showing intense ill will or hatred.

malicious. Desiring to cause pain, injury, or distress to another.

malign. To make harsh and often false or misleading statements about.

malnourished. Badly or poorly nourished.

CATA. 源自希腊词语kata多个意思的的一个,意为"down." A catalogue is a list of items put down on paper, and a catapult is a weapon for hurling missiles down on one's enemies.

cataclysm. (1) A violent and massive change of the earth's surface. (2) A momentous event that results in great upheaval and often destruction.

catacomb. An underground cemetery(墓地) of connecting passageways with recesses for tombs.

catalyst. (1) A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction or lets it take place under different conditions. (2) Someone or something that brings about or speeds significant change or action.

catatonic.(1) Relating to or suffering from a form of schizophrenia(精神分裂症). (2) Showing an unusual lack of movement, activity, or expression.

PROT/PROTO. 源自希腊语,基本意思为"first in time"或"first formed." Protozoa are one-celled animals, such as amoebas(变形虫) and paramecia(草履虫), that are among the most basic members of the biological kingdom. A proton(质子) is an elementary particle that, along with neutrons(中子), can be found in all atomic nuclei. A protoplanet(原行星) is a whirling mass of gas and dust that astronomers believe may someday become a planet.

protagonist. The main character in a literary work.

protocol. (1) A code of diplomatic or military rules of behavior. (2) A set of rules for the formatting of data in an electronic communications system.

protoplasm.(原生质) The substance that makes up the living parts of cells.

prototype. (1) An original model on which something is patterned. (2) A first, full-scale, usually working version of a new type or design.

ANTE. 源自拉丁语,意为"before"或“in front of." Antediluvian, which describes something very old or outdated, literally means "before the flood"--that is, Noah's Flood. And antebellum literally means "before the war," usually the American Civil War.

antechamber.(前厅,接待室) An outer room that leads to another and is often used as a waiting room.

antedate. (1) To date something (such as a check) with a date earlier than that of actual writing. (2) To precede in time.

antecedent. (1) A word or phrase that is referred to by a pronoun that follows it. (2) An event or cause coming before something.

anterior. (1) Located before or toward the front or head. (2) Coming before in time or development.

ORTHO. 源自希腊词语orthos, 意为"straight,""right,"或"true." Orthotics is a branch of therapy that straightens out your stance or posture by providing artificial support for weak joints or muscles. And orthograde animals, such as human beings, walk with their bodies in a "straight" or vertical position.

orthodontics. A branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment and correction of crooked teeth and other irregularities.

orthodox. (1) Holding established beliefs, especially in religion. (2) Conforming to established rules or traditions; conventional.

orthopedics. The correction or prevention deformities(畸变) of the skeleton.

orthography. The spelling of words, especially spelling according to standard usage.

RECT. 源自拉丁词语rectus, 意为“straight"或"right." To correct something is to make it right. A rectangle is a four-sided figure with straight parallel sides. Rectus, short for Latin rectus musculus, may refer to any of several straight muscles, such as those of the abdomen.

rectitude. Moral integrity.

rectify. To set right; remedy.

Rectilinear. (1) Moving in or forming a straight line. (2) Having many straight lines.

directive. Something that guides or directs; especially, a general instruction from a high-level body or official.

EU. 源自希腊语,意为“well"; 在英语中也可以指"good"或"true." A veterinarian who performs euthanasia is providing a very sick or hopelessly injured animal a "good" or easy death.

eugenic.(优生学)Relating to or fitted for the production of good offspring(后代) through controlled breeding.

euphemism.(委婉说法) An agreeable or inoffensive word or expression that is substituted for one that may offend or disgust.

euphoria. A strong feeling of well-being or happiness.

eulogy. (1) formal speech or writing especially in honor of a dead person. (2) High praise.

DYS. 源自希腊语,意为"bad"或"difficult." So dysphagia is difficult swallowing, and dyspnea is difficult or labored breathing. Dysphasia is an inability to use and understand language because of injury to or disease of the brain. Dys- is sometimes close in meaning to dis-, but try not to confuse the two.

dystopia.(反面乌托邦) An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives.

dyslexia.(阅读困难) A disturbance or interference with the ability to read or to use language.

dyspeptic. (1) Relating to or suffering from indigestion. (2) Having an irritable temperament; ill-humored.

dysplasia.(发育不良) Abnormal development of cells or organs, or an abnormal structure resulting from such growth.

a fortiori./ˌä ˌfôrdēˈôrē/ 更不用说All the more certainly.

a posteriori./ˌä ˌpästērēˈôrē/ 后验 Relating to or derived by reasoning from known or observed facts.

a priori./ˌā prīˈôrī/ 先验Relating to or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions.

bona fide./ˌbōnə ˈfīdē/ 善意的,真实的(1) made in good faith, without deceit. (2) Authentic or genuine.

carpe diem./ˌkärpā ˈdēˌem/ 及时行乐 Enjoy the pleasures or opportunities of the moment without concern about the future.

caveat emptor./ˌkavēˌät ˈem(p)ˌtôr/ 买者自负Let the buyer beware.

corpus delicti./ ˈkȯr-pəs-di-ˈlik-ˌtī , -(ˌ)tē/ 犯罪事实(1) The substantial and basic fact or facts necessary to prove that a crime has been committed. (2) The material substance, such as the murdered body, on which a crime has been committed.

curriculum vitae. /kəˌrɪk.jə.ləm ˈviː.taɪ/  简历 A short summary of one's career and qualifications, typically prepared by an applicant for a position; resume.

Review Quiz:

Fill in each blank with the correct letter:

a. antechamber   b. a posteriori   c. euphoria   d. malign   e. a fortiori   f. orthography   g. prototype   h. directive   i. curriculum vitae   j. catacomb   k. dysplasia   l. eugenic   m. malnourished   n. protoplasm   o. orthodontics

1. Before car makers produce a new model, they always build and test a ______.

2. Her short stories are her main qualification for the job, but the college needs her _____ as well.

3. They were shown into an elegant ______ where they awaited their audience with the king.

4. After graduation from dental school, Kyle took a postgraduate course in _______.

5. That yappy little dog makes the _____ assumption that he's what keeps me from breaking into the house.

6. The jellylike substance in cells is called ______. 

7. These abused and _______ children can't be expected to pay attention in class.

8. In poor countries, hip _____ is rarely fixed in the early years.

9. They felt such ______ that they almost wept with joy.

10. Since they earned high honors for achieving a 3.7 average, ______ we should do so for getting a 3.8.

11. He argues that _____ is more important than ever, since the success of your Web searches depends on your spelling.

12. It is common for boxers to _____ each other in crude terms before a big match.

13. Their department had received a ______ that morning regarding flexibility in the work schedule.

14. When they went to Rome, they made sure to visit at least one underground _____.

15. ________ experimentation has produced a new breed of sheep with thick, fast-growing wool.

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