TGG weekly note 1
part 1 note in Chinese
我的习惯是读第一遍时把生词划线标注出来。这次复盘笔记列出的词汇都是再翻阅,一眼就能反应出意思,或者一想到做笔记就跳到眼前的词,可以算是完全掌握的词汇了。我在这里记录他们的形式是:词汇+造句(words+make sentences)。
Imperial---In ancient society, if an officer wasconferred an imperial item by the emperor, it would be a reputation to hiswhole family.
Sap---Tellinga lie saps people’s admiration to her.
Peasant---Peasants afford grinding labors to get food
Gorge---The scenery near the gorge is beautiful and exciting.
Bank---Takecare! Get away from the river’s bank!
Portrait---My boyfriend draw a portrait forme as a birthday gift.
Magistrate---The magistrate said to Wusong” the evidence you offered was not enoughto prove Xi Menqing was guilty”
Taoist---The emperor gave much money to Taoist to look for a medicine which couldmake him immortal.
Phobia---At that time I have developed a phobia about calculating.
Stretch---There was a stretch of brick wall there, many years later it was knownto people as the name ”wall street”.
Preface---when we read a book, the first we need to read is its preface.
Cricket---my best friend’s wechat name is called ”cricketsong”.
Elicit---when the reporter asked him that question, itelicits his memory about his childhood.
The study of Su Tungpo’s life is, therefore, at the same time a study of national degeneration through party strife, ending in the sapping of national strength and the triumphant misrule of the petty politicians.
The palace occupied the center of the city, beginning in the south with a long stretch of stone and brick wall below the Shiianteh Tower, with an elaborate bas-relief of dragons and phoenixes, while above showed the glittering roofs of the palaces, made with glazed tiles of variegated colors. Around the palace on four sides were the main streets, named by the four points of the compass. On the west of the palace stood the premier’s office, and the office of the military privy council. In the southern outer city, outside the Red Sparrow Gate, stood the national college and imperial temples.
They knew they were travelling with chinshih scholars for their husbands, but they could hardly be aware that they were in a family of three prose masters of the dynasty, one of them a major poet.
It was the moment to which all his years of grinding labors and hours of burning the midnight oil were supposed to lead.
This week I have read “the gay genius” from chapter 1 to chapter 6. It is a biography for the Chinese illustrious poet, Su Tungpo, who lived in song dynasty, having a versatile talent and charming personalities, his prose popular for hundred years.
In the first six chapters, the author tells us what Su experienced in his childhood: He was born in Meishan, his family was rich and most members in his family was well-educated, he got on well with his brother and both of them passed the imperial examination after they got married. After moving to the metropolis, he was given the rank of a councilor of justice and the office of an assistant magistrate at Fengshiang, which gave him opportunity to travel around, and do something for the local people.
What impressed me most are the description of natural scenery and the introduction of Chinese culture.
thank for reading!(*^__^*)