2020-11-27 交易指令

2020-11-27  本文已影响0人  无00





You own shares of a company that are currently trading at $30 a share. Your technical  analysis of the shares indicates a support level of $27.50. That is, if the price of the shares is going down, it is more likely to stay above this level rather than fall below it. If the price does fall below this level, however, you believe that the price may continue to decline. You have no immediate intent to sell the

shares but are concerned about the possibility of a huge loss if the share price declines below the support level. Which of the following types of orders couldyou place to most appropriately address your concern?

A Short sell order.

B Good- till- cancelled stop sell order.

C Good- till- cancelled stop buy order

随便打开一个证券交易软件,在对某支股票进行交易的时候,你会发现除了可以选择交易的证券数量,还可以选择交易的指令。最常见的就是市价单(market order),按当前市场上的价格买卖这只股票,优点是执行的速度很快,缺点嘛,鬼知道你会花多少钱买到这只股票。那么如果说你对这支股票的价格是有心理预期的,你觉得现在的股价太低,你不舍得卖,或者股价过高你不舍得买,那么你就可以设置一个限价单(limit order),把买卖价格设置到你的心理预期位置,市价达到这一位置时就会自动成交。当然它的缺点很明显,你想让它涨,它就跌,你想让它跌,它就涨那么这样的限价单很有可能永远都成交不了。

这是从价格方面进行的限制,当然也可以从交易量及指令期限两个角度进行限制,当你在下单的时候,交易软件会提醒你这个指令是当个交易日有效还是一直有效,限定当日成交的被称为(day order),订单一直有效地被称为(good till cancelled order)。我们也常说天不遂人愿,特别像资本市场风云诡谲,你想最低点买最高点抛哪有那么容易啊,我们只能退而求其次,找一种次优的办法来解决这个问题。什么呢?当股价涨超某一点位时你买进,当股价跌破某一点位时你卖出,这样就避免了我们前面讲的限价单存在的问题,限价单把价格限死在一个价位上,如果涨的或跌的过快很有可能就无法成交,而止损单它只是设置了一个区间,高于某一点位时或低于某一点位,这就是我们常说的止损单(stop- loss orders)。

但是止损单还是有一个问题的,只要价格超过某一点你就可以买,那如果成交时价格已经涨了 10%了,你还要买吗?这个时候你可能就要掂量掂量了,那么怎么考虑呢?我们把限价单和止损单结合在一起就好了,比如我们想买蔚来汽车的股票,它现在的价格是 1.8 美元,你担心它真的涨起来你 hold 不住,你就设股价超过 2 块钱的时候买入,但是我们知道蔚来汽车目前资金链是

有很大问题的,股价很难突破 2.5 美元,那么你还要再设一个上限,股价如果向上突破 2.3 元那指令自动失效,不再购买蔚来汽车的股票。这是最常考的一类指令。

B is correct.

The most appropriate order is a good- till- cancelled stop sell order.This order will be acted on if the stock price declines below a specified price (in this case, $27.50). This order is sometimes referred to as a good- till- cancelled stop loss sell order. You are generally bullish about the stock, as indicated by no

immediate intent to sell, and would expect a loss on short selling the stock. A stop buy order is placed to buy a stock when the stock is going up.




