

2018-10-01  本文已影响94人  GeorgeWGD
图8-1 上善若水


The highest kindness is like water.

Water is benefiting all things,

And never compete with them.

It dwells the low place that all disdain,

Hence it comes near to the Logos.

Which is:

To have a low residence of such kindness,

To wish a deep pool of such kindness,

To give a trustful speech of such kindness,

To promote a universal fraternity of such kindness,

To establish a good governance of such kindness,

To build a excellent capability of such kindness,

And to do a timely action of such kindness.

Only when one does not compete with others,

Doesn’t he need to worry about anything.












但是就是组织语言翻译起来比较费劲,我主要参考理格( "The Tao Te Ching", James Legge, 1891)和林语堂(The Wisdom of Laotse, Random House, 1948)的翻译。这段理格版翻作:“Hence (its way) is near to (that of) the Dao. The excellence of a residence is in (the suitability of) the place; that of the mind is in abysmal stillness; that of associations is in their being with the virtuous; that of words is in their trustworthiness; that of government is in its securing good order; that of (the conduct of) affairs is in its ability; and that of (the initiation of) any movement is in its timeliness. And when (one with the highest excellence) does not wrangle (about his low position), no one finds fault with him.”按照一个国外生活多年的朋友说法,这个比较符合英文习惯,可能是我们这些讲chinglish的不太能理解,读起来太累了。林语堂版把“居善地…”这句及后文翻译为“in his dwellings, (the sage) loves the (lowly) earth...”,加了主语(the sage)成句,我觉得也不是很妥当,还是像我的翻译这样采用并列不定式构成“道”的定语从句,更符合原文意思。把对比于水的“善”加上“such”,和前文呼应。

还有最后一句“夫唯不争…”的“唯”在我参考的两个版本都没有没有翻出来,难道是语气词,我觉得不是,据《道德真经注》 解释说“言人皆应于治道也。”应该是要翻出“only”,并用倒装句。



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