How to teach words? - Part 1
When I first learnt Japanese, I was desperate and hated it so much. I was 20 years old at that time. Therefore, it is never easy for a kid to learn any new English words and keep them in mind. Teachers have to grasp the key point an try to help their kids more.
How the learner discovers meaning?
There are two types: traditional approaches and techniques & student-centred learning.
Visuals: flashcards, photographs, blackboard drawings, wall charts and realia. They are extensively used for conveying meaning and are particularly useful for teaching concrete items of vocabulary and certain areas of vocabulary.
I am quite familiar with those approaches because I am teaching some kids around 4-8 years old. Those visuals are quite useful to stir up their interests. Mime and gestures are also good to arouse students' attention.
I think I need to use synonymy, definition, contrasts, opposites and scales to help those intermediate and advanced students to improve their English. Furthermore, appropriate checks are necessary. I felt helpless sometimes because I don't know which method is better for my students. Maybe I just need to be more patient and optimistic.