红楼梦 感悟
2022-01-30 本文已影响0人

《红楼梦》真不愧是四大名著之一,作者对情节的描|述荡气回肠,对人物的描写细致入微,不论悲欢离含,都使人有一种天情的激动。总会让一个人喜欢上《红楼梦》。爱上这激情的力量和智慧的哲理 。
Recently, I read the "troublemaker diary", which is a very interesting diary, which makes people very happy.
Reading the "troublemaker's diary" always makes people laugh. Gagnino has brought us a lot of happiness, so most of us like to complain about the "unfair" treatment received by gagnino.
For example, in the brother-in-law's place, the fault that is good for adults will be forgiven, and the fault that is harmful to adults will be punished; For example, gagnino is just an anti tyrant headmaster, exposing the shady "lean soup" of the school; For example, ganino only told his aunt the truth about his sisters, and ganino only made public the secret that his sister laughed at the boys; Gagnino just shows what adults want to cover up without scruples, so that adults make a fool of themselves... Gagnino's story always starts with a happy fantasy and ends with being punished and wronged and crying. So we sympathize with ganino, and we complain about ganino.
However, if you put yourself inYour teeth? You may forgive a child for breaking his mother's gold watch in order to play magic, but can you tolerate a child who almost shot the guest in the eye when playing magic? Put yourself in your shoes. If you are the victim, can you keep calm all the time?
If you put yourself in a different position, gagnino, the "troublemaker" and the "unlucky" you met, can you stand it?