2018-12-07 本文已影响11人
1. install
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
2. create project
vue create first-vue-app
3. Meet vue-cli
1. show help
vue -h
vue --help
vue help
2. show vue-cli
vue -V
vue - version
3. show create
command help info
vue create -h
vue create --help
vue create help
4. create first vue app
#USAGE: vue create [options] <app-name>
vue create first-vue-app
app-name can only be lower case and `-`
Warring: <app-name> can not be upper case, only lower case name and - can be used for <app-name>
4. Run first vue project
yarn serve
vue-cil-service serve
run successfully