Good design

2016-06-18  本文已影响0人  宁文博

In my experience, users react very positively when things are clear and understandable.That's what particularly brothers me today the arbitrariness and thoughtlessness with many things are produced and brought to market.Not only in the sector of consumer goods, but also in architecture, in advertising. We have too many unnecessary things everywhere.
Good design should be innovative.Good design should make a product useful.Good design is aesthetic design.Good design will make a product understandable.Good design is honest.Good design is unobtrusive.Good design is long-lived.Good design is consistent in every detail. Good design is environmentally friendly.Last but not least,good design is as little design as possible.We designer,we don't work in a vacuum.We need businesspeople as well.We are not the fine artists.We are often confused with.Today you find a few companies that take design seriously,as i see it.And at the moment that is an American company.It is apple.
I remember the first time I saw an Apple product.I remember so clearly because It was the first time I realised. when I saw this product,I got a very clear sense of the people who designed it and made it.A big definition of who you are as a designer is the way that you look at the word.And I guess it's one of the curses of what you do you're constantly looking at something and thinking why is it like that? why is it like that and not like this.And so in that sense,you're constantly designing.When we're designing a product,we have to look to different attributes of the product. And some others attributes will be materials that it's made from and form that's connected to those materials. So for example with the first iMac that we made the primary component


