2020-4-16-Nanjing County(福建南靖土楼)
Ancient Charm of China: Nanjing County

This episode of "Ancient Charm of China" takes you to southeast China to catch a glimpse of
a rural area that boasts unparalleled charms.

In the subtropical mountainous area of Zhangzhou CIty, Fujian Province, lies Nanjing County, an
ancestral home for Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese.
glimpse n 一瞥,一看
boasts 自夸,夸耀
unparalleled adj 无双的,无比的,空前未有的
subtropical adj 亚热带的
mountainious adj 多山的,巨大的,山一般的
ancestral adj 祖先的,祖传的
compatriots n 同胞
Visitors are often left in awe by the typical rural dwellings here in western Nanjing County called Fujian Tulou.
Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, it features a series of huge multi-storied houses built by the Hakka people between the 15th and 20th centuries.
awe n 敬畏,惊叹,使人敬畏的力量
typical adj 典型的,特有的,象征性的
rural adj 农村的,乡下的
dwelling n 住处,寓所
inscribed adj 内切的,记名的,有铭刻的
Hakka n 客家,客家人,客家语

Fujian Tulou in Nanjing County, Zhangzhou city, southeast China's Fujian province.
Hakka, literally meaning "guest families" in Mandarin, refers to the Han people who used to live
in the Hakka-speaking areas in southern China, including Guangdong, FUjian,Jiangxi and so on.
Built inward-looking, either in circular or square shape, each building can house around 800 people.
Initially designed as a defense against invaders, they have only one entrance with the walls reaching
up to 60 feet high.
inward-looking adj 只关注自己的,对外界不关心的,冷漠的。向内看
circular adj 循环的,圆形的,n 通知,传单
invader n 侵略者,侵入物

Fujian Tulou was constructed by the Hakka people with a defensive purpose.
In contrast with their plain exterior, the inside of the tuklou was built for comfort with elaborate decorations, demonstrating an outstanding example of human settlement in China.
exterior adj 外部的,外面的,外在的,n 外部,外貌,外景
elaborate adj 精心制作的,详尽的,煞费苦心的
Read more: Fujian Tulou: Ancient buildings opening a window to history

Yunshuiyao ancient town in Nanjing County, Zhangzhou, Fujian.
Yunshuiyao ancient town , also known as Knot Town, is a spot frequently visited by tourists.
Literally meaning the "Song of the Clouds and Water," it characterizes the peaceful ambiance of
ancient Chinese villages.
ambiance n 氛围,格调,环境
A Chinese movie of the same name was shot here over 10 years ago, boosting the fame of
the old town. Most of the buildings, the interior decorations of the houses and shooting scenes
have been well maintained.
boost vt促进,增进,宣扬
interior n 内部的,里面,内景
Walking along the cobbled path under those ancient trees will lead you to the heart of a mysterious
and time-honored history.
cobbled adj 鹅卵石的,
Yunshuiyao ancient town。
Travel tips for a visit to Yunshuiyao:
Transportation: Take the bullet train to Nanjing Railway Station where you can book a carpool ride to the destination.
Ticket price: 90 yuan (13 U.S. dollars) per person
Note that high-heeled shoes are not recommended for the cobbled path. Also, be on alert for mosquitoes in summer. You'd better bring along mosquito repellent.
(Video edited by Li Yahui, cover image by Yin Yating)
carpool 拼车,合伙用车
repellent n 驱虫器,驱虫剂,防。。的,排斥的
Ancient Charm of China: Nanjing County