

2015-03-31  本文已影响680人  芒果街精灵

在罗琳新书出版之际卫报上刊登了一篇报道。罗琳新书的名字叫 Very Good Lives: the Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination.简译《非常好的生活:失败的边缘利益和想象力的重要性》,书是基于她此前在哈佛大学为毕业生做的演讲的内容,可能很多人和我一样都看过了。在这篇报道里温习她说过的建议却仍然觉得受益很多。以下是卫报里quotes的中文翻译:









那些选择不去用心体会的人会驯养出真正的怪兽。 虽然我们自己没有做出绝对邪恶的事情,但通过我们的冷漠,我们与之形成了共谋





On the benefits of failure

There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.

I am not dull enough to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, you have never known hardship or heartbreak. Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates.

I am not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun. That period of my life was a dark one, and I had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represented as a kind of fairy tale resolution.

Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged.

On the power of imagination and empathy

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.

Many prefer not to exercise their imaginations at all. They choose to remain comfortably within the bounds of their own experience, never troubling to wonder how it would feel to have been born other than they are.

Those who choose not to empathise enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

Every day of my working week in my early 20s I was reminded how incredibly fortunate I was, to live in a country with a democratically elected government, where legal representation and a public trial were the rights of everyone.

One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18, in search of something I could not then define, was this, written by the Greek author Plutarch: ‘What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.’ That is an astonishing statement and yet proven a thousand times every day of our lives. It expresses, in part, our inescapable connection with the outside world, the fact that we touch other people’s lives simply by existing.

As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.


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