Guru Weekly程序员iOS Developer

Guru Weekly 第十期

2016-01-13  本文已影响45人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. Xcode 7.3 beta has better code completion and support for alternative Swift toolchains

  2. Java Was 2015's Most Popular Programming Language

  3. What Impact Will OpenJDK Have on Android Development?

  4. The State of Testing in 2016


  1. Blending Modes Demystified

  2. Using layered animation in CSS to animate along curved paths

  3. Inspiration for Line Menu Styles

  4. Taking advantage of Observables in Angular 2

  5. Front End Developer And Javascript Technologies To Learn And Explore In 2016

  6. More Benchmarks: Virtual DOM vs Angular 1/2 vs Mithril.js vs cito.js vs The Rest

  7. How Teespring Uses Canvas, SVG, and the DOM to Design T-Shirts

  8. WebApps with PureScript and RactiveJS

  9. Managing the private data of ES6 classes

  10. Angular 2 — Introduction to Redux


  1. An analysis of the top 1000 go repositories

  2. Comparing Java GC Collectors

  3. How to C in 2016

  4. Writing high-performance servers in modern C++

  5. What's new in Rails 5?

  6. The Elements of Python Style

  7. My thoughts on Rust in 2016

  8. Ruby's New &.!= Operator


  1. Issue #187

  2. Introduction to SimpleChromeCustomTabs

  3. RecyclerView animations - AndroidDevSummit write-up

  4. Launch an Android app from the web and cleanly fallback to web

  5. Upgrading to the new permissions system in Android 6.0 Marshmallow


  1. Metal: Blazing Fast Image Processing

  2. Issue 29 - Jan 6th 2016

  3. Apple Pencil Tutorial: Getting Started

  4. Issue 232

  5. Typed, yet Flexible Table View Controller

  6. 8 Popular Blogs for Learning Swift 2 Programming Language

  7. 100 Days of Swift

  8. Swift Tutorial: Introduction to Generics


  1. Scaling Netflix and reddit

  2. A Beginner's Guide to Scaling to 11 Million+ Users on Amazon's AWS

  3. Analysis of Software Architectures

  4. Handling trillions of events daily and conquering scaling issues with Keen CTO

  5. Introducing dumb-init, an init system for Docker containers

  6. Server-Side Architecture. Front-End Servers and Client-Side Random Load Balancing


  1. MySQL Master-Slave Replication on the Same Machine

  2. Using Google Cloud SQL

  3. Replacing Redis with BoltDB – A Pure Go Key/Value Store

  4. MongoDB revs you up: What storage engine is right for you? (Part 1)

  5. MongoDB revs you up: What storage engine is right for you? (Part 2)


  1. Feeding data to 1000 CPUs – comparison of S3, Google, Azure storage

  2. Data Persistence and Sessions With React

  3. Using NGINX Logging for Application Performance Monitoring

  4. The Sad State of Web Development

  5. A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

  6. Colorizing black and white photos with deep learning


  1. 67 Front-End Tools for 2016: A regularly updated list

  2. The best CSS styleguide for huge applications

  3. Snowfall JS algorithms using DOM and Canvas: repo, demos and 12+ playgrounds

  4. An Simple Hello World Angular 2 Application (Without Node)

  5. Android++ (native development and debugging for Visual Studio) is now open-source

  6. react-native-code-push:Microsoft的react-native热更新方案呢

  7. A decentralized social network with end-to-end encryption

  8. MainMemory, a memcached clone and generic server framework

  9. Gom - visual profiling for go

  10. 关于数据科学的 iPython 笔记册

  11. Everything you need to know about Vim

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