
Letter of Apology Practice: Seas

2024-11-16  本文已影响0人  赤蛇
Dear Sir/Madam,
  I am writing to lodge a complaint concerning my poor experience at the Seaside Hotel. I am afraid that the conditions of the hotel are far from satisfactory and the details will be listed as follows.
  I booked a one-night stay at the resort via the official website on the 15th of October. The photo on the website depicts a seaside room with a balcony and ocean views, and the description below promises Wi-Fi as well as air conditioning. To my utter disappointment, the reality is entirely different from what is promised. To begin with, the hotel room that I resided in does not remotely have a seaside view, contrary to the name of the hotel. Instead, the sight is obstructed by hills and I couldn't even catch a glimpse of the ocean. There does not appear to be air conditioning either, with a mere fan in the room to dissipate the heat. This made staying in the hotel extremely unbearable, especially under the hot and humid weather. There is indeed free Wi-Fi as promised, yet the connection was very poor and it served no purpose.
  My disappointment does not end here. According to the website, room service is available upon request. However, when I attempted to summon the staff with the bell, I was met with no response. Only after soliciting help from the counter did the receptionist inform me that the information listed on the website was outdated and such a feature was no longer offered. The price displayed on the website for a one-night stay is 1580 HKD, with taxes and fees included. To my outrage, upon checking out I was required to pay an additional 500 HKD. The staff claimed that the extra fee was incurred by miscellaneous fees such as room service. Even when I told her such a feature did not exist in the first place, she refused to budge and I ended up having to make the payment.
  After such an unpleasant experience, I am beyond disappointed with your hotel. It can be seen from the above that the room and the service provided does not correlate with the information listed on the website. Such a discrepancy not only devices customers and ruins their expectations but also constitute a violation of the Trade Description Ordinance.
  I hereby demand the management board to update the listings on the website and make sure the information is correct. This can assure the customers they are getting what they have paid for. I would like to request a full refund for my stay at the hotel to compensate for my unsatisfactory experience. Should the demands fail to be met, I am afraid that I will have no choice but to take the matter into the hands of the Authority.
  It is believed that such an improvement is necessary to restore the faith of customers in your hotel. Only when the conditions are enhanced will I consider staying at your hotel again. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

Version 1

Dear Mr. Wong,

I am writing in response to your letter dated 1st November, in which you generously shared your disappointment with regard to your recent stay with us. I feel so sorry after getting to know your unsatisfactory experience, and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that we have caused. At Seaside, customer satisfaction is our priority and I wish to provide details regarding actions we have taken since receiving your letter, and offer compensation.

I am sorry that from the room you had taken could not see the sea-sight. As the name of our hotel is 'Seaside Hotel', every room has a balcony, and generally, they allow customers to admire the scenery of the sea. However, a few may be blocked by the mountain besides. Unfortunately, you happened to reside in one of the rooms that are blocked. I am sorry that the geographical condition of your hotel room did not satisfy you, and to avoid similar situations, we will add a choice named 'mountainside room' to the room menu and give these rooms to consumers who paid for them.

You have mentioned that the conditions we provided were remote from what we promised. We did not intend to deceive you; some information on the website was indeed outdated, and the inaccurate information was already deleted from the introduction page after we received your suggestion. The financial situation of the hotel was not bullish, so some previous services including air-conditioning and room service were canceled to save money, and the original router was replaced by a cheaper one as well. However, the descriptions on the official website and the paying standard of the additional fee were not adjusted opportunely, and I am ashamed to admit that this is our negligence. I apologize that this fault has made you confused and disappointed, and the problem with the extra fee will be fixed as soon as possible.

I apologize again for what happened to you, and a full refund will be sent to the paying account. We will improve the quality of service, and we look forward to your second stay. Thank you for your suggestions and trust.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Wong

Customer Service Manager

Seaside Hotel

Version 2

Dear Mr. Wong,

Thank you for your letter. I am so sorry about your experience, but we failed to find you on the registerer list. Please provide your full name, identity number, room number, and paying account number so that we can check the information about your stay.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Wong

Customer Service Manager

Seaside Hotel (Guangzhou Nansha)

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