在现代社会,黑夜从来都不是城市停止运转的理由,而停电无疑会给我们的生活造成诸多不便。纽约的曼哈顿作为全球最发达的城区之一,在上周就经历了一次“大停电”,连好莱坞女星詹妮弗·洛佩兹的演唱会也因停电而被迫中止——“不夜城”就此入夜。巧合的是,此次停电当天恰逢 1977 年纽约大停电 42 周年纪念日。为何繁华的纽约城遭遇停电呢?停电后,这座大都市是怎样的一幅景象?
New York City power outage hits thousands in the heart of Manhattan
A widespread power outage in the heart of Manhattan on Saturday shut down some of the city's subways as iconic parts of midtown, including Times Square and Rockefeller Center, went dark.
Con Edison said it was working to restore power to 73,000 customers, mostly on the west side of Manhattan. The utility tweeted at 10:12 p.m. that power was being restored to affected customers, and that the utility expected to have service restored to most customers by midnight.
联合爱迪生公司称其正在为 7.3 万用户恢复供电,其中多数用户住在曼哈顿西区。该公用事业公司在当晚 10 点 12 分发推特表示,他们正为受波及的用户恢复供电,预计在午夜前多数用户可恢复用电。
Mayor Bill de Blasio, who was campaigning for president in Iowa on Saturday, tweeted that the police and fire departments and other city agencies were working to respond a manhole fire that caused the outage.
Pizza shops on the Upper West Side were still selling lukewarm slices in the dark with flashlights, cash only. In the Park Central Hotel, at least 100 guests were sitting on the ground in the lobby in candlelight. At the Wellington Hotel across the street, guests filed out in the dark holding glow sticks and gathered on the sidewalk.
上西区的披萨店在黑暗中仍借着手电光出售温热的披萨切片,且只收现金。中央公园酒店里,至少有 100 名住客在酒店大堂的烛光中席地而坐。而对面惠灵顿酒店中的住客拿着荧光棒鱼贯而出,聚集在人行道上。
Horse-driven buggies were still clucking around in the blackout, aggressively recruiting riders as Uber prices surged.
Saturday's outage took place on the anniversary of a 1977 New York City outage in which most of the city lost power. The city was also part of a massive power outage in 2003.
周六停电当日,恰逢 1977 年纽约大停电纪念日,当年纽约的大部分城区均遭遇断电。2003 年,纽约也被大范围的停电波及过