Idioms & Phrases 5x12 Projec
从 今天(1 月 22 日)开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。年前年后我共有 12 天课,每天我会分享 5 个 idioms & phrases (习语和短语)。也就是说,如果你跟着我的节奏每天定量去学习,那么一个寒假你至少能掌握 60 个有意思的习语和短语。当然,你可能会问“为什么要学习习语和短语?”,这事儿我说了不算,在这里引用一段文字希望能让你感受到习语的用处——
Idiom: a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language
Every language has its own collection of wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transfer some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture / society. These sayings are called "idioms" - or proverbs if they are longer. These combinations of words have (rarely complete sentences) a "figurative meaning" meaning, they basically work with "pictures".
如果你被这番话说服了,那么就行动起来吧。每个短语都会配上简单的英文注释和例句,相信对大家的理解会有帮助的 _
Day 1
1. Fish For A Compliment
make an attempt to make someone say something nice to you or about you
When the student said that he was still not confident of the subject after a score of 95 on 100 in the test, the teacher knew that he was only fishing for a compliment.
2. Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch
make plans that depend on something good happening before you know that it has actually happened
She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count her chickens before they hatched.
3. Not Playing With A Full Deck
not very intelligent or bright, not mentally sound
He is a nice person, but with some of the foolish things he does, I think he's not playing with a full deck.
4. Burn The Midnight Oil
to work very late into the night
I have an important exam tomorrow so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.
5. Elephant In The Room
a problem that everyone knows very well but no one talks about because it is taboo, embarrassing, etc
The fact that his 35 year old brother was still financially dependent on his parents was a big elephant in the room at every family gathering.
enjoy !