OCMock 3 参考

2017-04-14  本文已影响518人  奔跑的小小鱼

1.Creating mock objects

1.1Class mocks


1.2Protocol mocks


Creates a mock object that can be used as if it were an instance of an object that implementsSomeProtocol. Otherwise they work like class mocks.


1.3Strict class and protocol mocks




1.4 Partial mocks(部分 mocks)


Creates a mock object that can be used in the same way asanObject. Any method that is not stubbed is forwarded toanObject. When a method is stubbed and that method is invoked using a reference to the real object, the mock will still be able to handle the invocation. Similarly, when a method is invoked using a reference toanObject, rather than the mock, it can still be verified later.


There are some subtleties when using partial mocks. Seepartial mocksbelow.

1.5 Observer mocks(观察 mocks)


Creates a mock object that can be used to observe notifications. The mock must be registered in order to receive notifications. Seeobserver mocksbelow for details.

译:创建一个mock对象,可以用来观察通知。mock必须注册以接收通知。Seeobserver mocksbelow详情。

2 Stubbing methods(stub方法)

2.1 Stubbing methods that return objects(stub方法返回对象)


Tells the mock object that whensomeMethodis called it should returnanObject.

译:讲述了mock对象,当someMethod 呼叫它应该返回一个对象。

2.2 Stubbing methods that return values(stub返回值的方法)


For methods that return primitive values it is important to use the right type of value. If, for example, a method returns alongbut the stub uses anintan error will occur. The message will include the expected and the actual type (using Objective-C type codes such as “q” forlongand “i” forint).

译:返回原始值的方法是很重要的使用正确的类型的值。例如,如果一个方法返回alongbut stub使用anintan就会发生错误。消息将包括预期的和实际的类型(使用objective - c类型代码如“q”forlongand“我”)。

2.3 Delegating to another method(委托给另一个方法)


In this case the mock object will callaDifferentMethodonanotherObjectwhensomeMethodis called. The signature of the replacement method must be the same as that of the method that is replaced. Arguments will be passed, and the return value of the replacement method is returned from the stubbed method. It is common to implement the replacement method in the test case itself.


2.4 Delegating to a block(委托给 块)

OCMStub([mocksomeMethod]).andDo(^(NSInvocation*invocation){/* block that handles the method invocation */});

The mock object will call the passed block whensomeMethodis called. The block can read the arguments from the invocation object, and it can use the invocation object to set up a possible return value.


2.5 Returning values in pass-by-reference arguments(返回值引用传递参数)



The mock object will set the reference that is passed to the method toanObjectandaValue. UsesetTo:for pass-by-reference arguments that return objects andsetToValue:andOCMOCK_VALUE()for arguments that return primitives.


2.6 Invoking block arguments(调用块参数)


OCMStub([mocksomeMethodWithBlock:([OCMArginvokeBlockWithArgs:@"First arg",nil])]);

The mock object will invoke the block passed as an argument to the stubbed method. If the block takes arguments andinvokeBlockis used, the default values for the argument types are used, e.g. zero for a numerical type. UsinginvokeBlockWithArgs:it is possible to specify which arguments to invoke the block with; non-object arguments must be wrapped in value objects and the expression must be wrapped in round brackets.


2.7 Throwing exceptions(抛出异常)


WhensomeMethodis invoked the stub will throwanException.


2.8 Posting notifications(发布通知)


When someMethodis invoked the stub will postaNotification.


2.9 Chaining stub actions(链接stub的行为)


All actions such asandReturnandandPostcan be chained. In this example the mock object will post a notification and return the value.


2.10 Forwarding to the real object / class(转发到真正的对象/类)


When using a partial mock and when mocking class methods it is possible to stub a method and forward it to the real object (in case of partial mocks) or to the class (when mocking class methods). This is only useful when chaining actions or when usingexpectations.

2.11 Doing nothing


It is possible to passnilinstead of a block toandDo. This is only useful with partial mocks or when mocking class methods. In these cases usingandDo(nil)effectively suppresses the behaviour in the existing class.


3 Verifying interactions(验证相互作用)

3.1 Verify-after-running(验证-前-运行)

idmock=OCMClassMock([SomeClassclass]);/* run code under test */OCMVerify([mocksomeMethod]);

Verifies thatsomeMethodhas been called by the code under test. If the method has not been invoked an error is reported. In Xcode and AppCode the error is reported on the line of the verify, for other test environments an exception is thrown.


It is possible to useargument constraintsin the verify statement.

3.2 Stubs and verification(stub和验证)



/* run code under test */


It is possible to stub a method and still verify that it has been called.


4 Argument constraints(参数约束)

4.1 The any constraint(任何约束)


Adds a stub for the methods which is active for all invocations, no matter what argument is passed. Pointers and selectors require special treatment as shown above. Arguments that are neither objects nor pointers or selectors cannot be ignored using ananyplaceholder (for details see thisforum thread). See just below for a workaround.

4.2 Ignoring non-object arguments(忽略非参数)


This tells the mock to ignore all non-object arguments in the invocation. It will accept any invocation ofsomeMethodWithIntArgument:no matter what argument is actually passed. If the method has object arguments as well as non-object arguments, the object arguments can still be constrained as usual using the methods onOCMArg.


NOTE:this should have a modern syntax.

4.3 Matching arguments(匹配的参数)

OCMStub([mocksomeMethod:aValue)OCMStub([mocksomeMethod:[OCMArgisNil]])OCMStub([mocksomeMethod:[OCMArgisNotNil]])OCMStub([mocksomeMethod:[OCMArgisNotEqual:aValue]])OCMStub([mocksomeMethod:[OCMArgisKindOfClass:[SomeClassclass]]])OCMStub([mocksomeMethod:[OCMArgcheckWithSelector:aSelectoronObject:anObject]])OCMStub([mocksomeMethod:[OCMArgcheckWithBlock:^BOOL(idvalue){/* return YES if value is ok */}]])

If an argument is passed when the stub is created, the stub only matches invocations with that exact argument. Calls with different arguments are not matched. TheOCMArgclass provides several methods that allow matching values in different ways.


ForcheckWithSelector:onObject:, when the mock object receivessomeMethod:, it invokesaSelectoronanObject. If the method takes an argument the mock will pass the argument that was passed tosomeMethod:. The method should return a boolean indicating whether the argument matched the expectation or not.

译:checkWithSelector:onObject:,当模拟对象接收到someMethod:,它调用aSelector anObject。如果方法接受一个参数的模拟将参数传递给someMethod:。方法应该返回一个布尔值表示是否参数匹配的期望。

4.4 Using Hamcrest matchers(使用Hamcrest匹配器)


It is also possible to useHamcrest matchers. This will only work when the Hamcrest framework is explicitly linked by the unit test bundle. OCMock does not declare a dependency on Hamcrest and discovers it using runtime functions.


5Mocking class methods

5.1 Stubbing class methods(stub类方法)


OCMStub([classMockaClassMethod]).andReturn(@"Test string");

// result is @"Test string"


Stubs for class methods are set up exactly like stubs for instance methods. However, behind the scenes the mock object makes some changes to the class. (It dynamically creates a new meta class and makes the class use that instead of its own meta class.) This allows OCMock to stub calls which are made directly to the class.


IMPORTANT:If the mock object that added a stubbed class method is not deallocated then the stubbed method will persist across tests. If multiple mock objects manipulate the same class at the same time the behaviour is undefined.


5.2 Verifying invocations of class methods(验证类方法的调用)


/* run code under test */

OCMVerify([classMocka ClassMethod]);

Verification is done in the same way as with instance methods. As described above, calls can be made directly to the class.


5.3 Disambiguating class and instance methods(二义性消除类和实例方法)


OCMStub(ClassMethod([classMockambiguousMethod])).andReturn(@"Test string");

// result is @"Test string"

NSString*result=[SomeClassam biguousMethod];

In cases where a class method should be stubbed but the class also has an instance method with the same name as the class method, as assumed withambiguousMethodabove, the intent to mock the class method must be made explicit usingClassMethod().


5.4 Restoring the class(恢复类)


/* do stuff */

[classMock stopMocking];

The class can be returned to its original state by callingstopMocking. This is only necessary if the original state must be restored before the end of the test. The  mock automatically callsstopMockingduring its own deallocation.


When the class is returned to its original state, its meta class will be switched back to the original meta class. This effectively removes all the stubs. However, this also makes it impossible for the mock to add new stubs or to verify interactions. You should really not use a mock after having calledstopMocking.


6 Partial mocks(部分 mocks)

6.1 Stubbing methods(sub方法)


OCMStub([partialMocksomeMethod]).andReturn(@"Test string");

// result1 is @"Test string"


// result2 is @"Test string", too!


From an API perspective stubs on partial mocks are set up in the same way as on class and protocol mocks. Partial mocks alter the class of the mocked object, though. (In fact, they create a subclass and switch the class of the mocked object to that subclass.) This means that calls using a reference to the real object, even includingselfin methods where the object calls itself, are also affected by stubs and expectations.

译:从一个API的角度来看subs上部分mock设置相同的方式mock类和协议。部分mock改变类 的对象,。(事实上,他们创建一个子类和开关类子类的对象。)这意味着调用使用对真实对象的引用,甚至包括自我在对象调用方法本身,也受到stubs和期望。

6.2 Verifying invocations(验证调用)


/* run code under test */


Verification is done in the same way as with class and protocol mocks. As described just above, calls using a reference to the real object are intercepted, too. There is no need to insure that a reference to the mock is used, calls can be made using references to the real object.


6.3 Restoring the object(恢复的对象)


/* do stuff */

[partialMock stopMocking];

The real object can be returned to its original state by callingstopMocking. This is only necessary if the original state must be restored before the end of the test. The partial mock automatically callsstopMockingduring its own deallocation.


When the object is returned to its original state, its class will be switched back to the original class. This effectively removes all the stubs. However, this also makes it impossible for the partial mock to add new stubs or to verify interactions. You should really not use a partial mock after having calledstopMocking.


7 Strict mocks and expectations(严格的Mock和期望)

7.1 Expect-run-verify(期望-运行-验证)



/* run code under test, which is assumed to call someMethod */


This is the original approach to mocking. First the mock object is set up with expectations, then the code under test is run, and afterwards the expectations are verified. If an expected method has not been invoked, or has not been invoked with the right arguments, then an error is reported. As shown it is possible to useargument constraintsin the expect statement. Strict mocks can be created for classes and protocols.


If in doubt use the newerverify-after-runningapproach described inVerifying interactions.


7.2 Strict mocks and failing fast(严格mock 与 快速失败)


[classMock someMethod];


The mock has been set up as a strict mock without any expectations. CallingsomeMethodwill cause the mock to throw an exception. This is also known asfailing fastbecause the test fails immediatly when the unexpected call is made. Only strict mocks fail fast.


7.3 Stub actions and expect(stub 行为 与期望)


OCMExpect([classMocksomeMethod]).andReturn(@"a string for testing");

/* run code under test, which is assumed to call someMethod */


It is possible to useandReturn,andThrow, etc with expectations, too. This will then run the stub action if and when the method is invoked and, on verify, ensure that the method was actually invoked.


7.4 Verify with delay(验证与延迟)



/* run code under test, which is assumed to call someMethod eventually */


In certain cases the expected method will only be called when the run loop is active. For these cases it is possible to delay the verification for a while. Note thataDelay(expressed asNSTimeInterval) is the maximum the mock will wait. It normally returns as soon as the expectations have been met.


7.5 Verifying in order





// calling anotherMethod before someMethod will cause an exception to be thrown  之前调用anotherMethod someMethod会导致抛出一个异常


The mock can be told to verify that expected methods are called in the same order as the expectations are set up. As soon as a method is called that is not next on the “expected list” the mock will fail fast and throw an exception.


8 Observer mocks

8.1 Setup




Creates a mock object that can be used to observe notifications, registers it with a notification center, and tells the mock to expectSomeNotificationwith any object.


8.2 Verification


Currently observer mocks are always strict, they will raise an exception when an unexpected notification is received. This implies that individual notifications cannot be verified after the fact. All notifications must be set up with expect, and they are verified together after the code under test has run usingOCMVerifyAll.


9 Advanced topics(高级主题)

9.1 Failing fast for regular (nice) mocks(没有快速的定期(nice)模拟)

On a strict mock object, when a method is called that has not been mocked (using some variant of stub or expect) the mock object will raise an exception. It willfail fast. Regular mock objects simply return the default value for the return type. Regular mocks can be configured on a per-method basis to fail fast:




In this case the mock will accept all methods exceptsomeMethod; if that is invoked the mock will throw an exception.


9.2 Re-throwing fail fast exceptions in verify all(验证所有抛出收到快速失败异常)

In fail-fast mode an exception might not cause the test to fail. This can happen when the call stack for the method does not end in the test. Fail fast exceptions will be re-thrown whenOCMVerifyAllis called. This makes it possible to ensure that unwanted invocations from notifications etc. can be detected.

译:在快速失败模式异常可能不会导致测试失败。这可能发生在调用堆栈的方法并不在测试结束。快速失败异常将re-thrown whenOCMVerifyAllis调用。这可以确保不必要的调用从通知等可以被检测出来。

9.3 Stubbing methods that create objects(stub创建对象的方法)



It is possible to stub class and instance methods that conceptually create objects. OCMock automatically adjusts the reference count of the returned object when stubbing methods that have a name that begins withalloc,new,copy, ormutableCopy.




It possible, although not advisable, to stub outnewfor a class. If you find yourself doing this a lot, please consider thedependency injectionpattern.

译:成为可能,尽管不明智,存根outnewfor类。如果你发现自己这样做,请考虑thedependency injectionpattern。

IMPORTANT:It is not possible to stub theinitmethod, because that is implemented by the mock itself.

译:重要:sub init方法是不可能的,因为这是由mock实现本身。

9.4 Instance-based method swizzling(基本于实例方法 swizzling)

In a nutshell,Method Swizzlingdescribes the replacement of a method implementation with a different implementation at runtime. Using partial mocks and theandCallaction OCMock allows such replacements on a per-instance basis.




After these two lines, whensomeMethodis sent toanObjectthe implementation of that method is not invoked. Instead,differentMethodis called ondifferentObject. Other instances of the same class are not affected; for these the original implementation ofsomeMethodis still invoked. The methods can have different names but their signatures should be the same.

译:这两条线后,当发送someMethod anObject不是调用的实现方法。相反,differentMethod呼吁differentObject。其他相同的类的实例不受影响;对这些原始someMethod仍然是调用的实现。方法可以有不同的名字,但他们的签名应该是相同的。

10 Limitations(限制)

10.1 Only one mock at a time can stub class methods on a given class


// don't do thisid


OCMStub([mock1 aClassMethod]);


OCMStub([mock2 anotherClassMethod]);

As mentioned above, if the mock object that added a stubbed class method is not deallocated then the stubbed method will persist, even across tests. If multiple mock objects manipulate the same class at the same time the behaviour is undefined.


10.2 Setting up expect after stub on the same method does not work



OCMStub([mocksomeMethod]).andReturn(@"a string");


/* run code under test */



The code above first sets up a stub forsomeMethodand afterwards an expectation for the same method. Due to the way mock objects are currently implemented any calls tosomeMethodare handled by the stub. This means that even if the method is called the verify fails. It is possible to avoid this problem by addingandReturnto the expect statement. You can also set up a stub after the expect.

译:上面的代码首先设置一个stub someMethod后来一个期望相同的方法。由于目前mock对象的方式实现任何调用someMethod由stub。这意味着,即使方法称为验证失败。可以避免这个问题通过添加andReturn期望声明。后你也可以 在期望前设置一个stub。

10.3 Partial mocks cannot be created for certain special classes



// will throw an exception




It is not possible to create partial mocks for instances of toll-free bridged class, e.g.NSString, or for objects represented with tagged pointers, e.g.NSDateon some architectures. The mock object will throw a descriptive exception should you try to do this.


10.4 Certain methods cannot be stubbed or verified





It is not possible to mock a number of core runtime methods. This includesinit, class, methodSignatureForSelector: ,forwardInvocation: , respondsToSelector:, and several others.


Note thatclassis automatically stubbed to return the original class of the object, and not the dynamic subclass used by the partial mock.


10.5 Class methods on NSString and NSArray cannot be stubbed or verified



// the following will not work


It is not possible to stub or verify class methods onNSStringandNSArray. Trying to do so has no effect.

译:不可能onNSStringandNSArray stub类或验证方法。试图这么做没有任何影响

10.6 Methods on NSObject cannot be verified(NSObject不能验证的方法)


/* run code under test, which calls awakeAfterUsingCoder: */



It is not possible useverify-after-runningwith methods implemented in NSObject or a category on it. In some cases it is possible to stub the method and then verify it. It is possible to useverify-after-runningwhen the method is overriden in a subclass.


10.7 Private methods in core Apple classes cannot be verified


UIWindow*window=/* get window somehow */


/* run code under test, which causes _sendTouchesForEvent: to be invoked */


It is not possible useverify-after-runningwith private methods in core Apple classes. Specifically, all methods with an underscore prefix and/or suffix in a class with either NS or UI as prefix. In some cases it is possible to stub the method and then verify it.


10.8 Verify-after-running cannot use a delay(Verify-after-running不能使用延迟)

It is currently not possible to verify a method with a delay. This is currently only possible using theexpect-run-verifyapproach described below instrict mocks and expectations.


10.9 Using multiple threads in tests(在测试中使用多个线程)

OCMock is not fully thread-safe. Up to version 3.2.x OCMock was not thread-aware at all. Any combination of operations on a mock object from

multiple threads was likely to cause issues and make the test fail.

译:OCMock没有完全线程安全的。3.2版本。x OCMock不是thread-aware。的任意组合操作模拟对象从多个线程可能会导致问题,使测试失败。

As of OCMock 3.3 it is still necessary to invoke all setup and verification operations from a single thread, preferrably the main thread of the test runner. It is possible, though, to use the mock object from multiple threads. The mock object can even be used from a different thread while its setup continues in the main thread. See#235for details.

译:3.3 OCMock它仍然需要从一个线程调用所有设置和验证操作,preferrably测试运行程序的主线程。这是有可能的,不过,从多个线程使用模拟对象。模拟对象甚至可以从一个不同的线程而设置仍在主线程。有关详细信息,请参阅# 235。

More detail

The test cases inOCMockTests show all uses and most edge cases.

Changes.txtcontains a chronological list of all changes.

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