
2019-12-11  本文已影响0人  cb9cede088ea

Love is one big illusion, I should try to forgot.

Harp on the past instead of focusing on the present.

harp n. 竖琴  v.喋喋不休;不停地说    harp on 老是提起;反复讲

Some people spend their lives living in the past.

They lament about what has been, what could have done, and why they didn't do that.

lement vt. 哀悼;痛惜

However the past is the past, no mattery how much time we spend thinking and lementing  about it, it doesn't change anything.

To spend time moping about what has been is to waste the person you can be.

mope vt. 使鱿鱼;没精打采地度过


