1. 英英释义:a word or phrase which is often repeated and which sometimes expresses a belief
例句:“Move fast and break things” has become a popular startup mantra.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“mantra”是个可数名词,原意是佛教和印度教中的“祷文”“符咒”,现在常用来表示“口头禅” “口号”。在口语和写作中,当我们想引用一句名言或者介绍一种现象时就可以用到它。
比如 Facebook 的首席执行官 Mark Zuckerberg 曾说过,“Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.” 这句话已经成为了创业者会时刻挂在嘴边上的格言,我们就可以说:
“Move fast and break things” has become a popular startup mantra.
Justin 在介绍中国的“人情”文化时就用到了 mantra:
“Pay off renqing (人情, or personal feelings) before you clear debt” is a widely known cultural mantra in China.
mantra 也是《经济学人》中的常客。比如写到为跨性别者特设监狱时用到:
The mantra of some activists that “trans women are women” implies they should be treated no differently from inmates who were born female. “Give, get or get off” is the unofficial mantra of most American museum boards.(这里的“Give, get or get off”可以理解为“自己给钱、劝别人给钱、或者离开”)
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
1)翻译下面的句子: “只有偏执狂才能生存”是硅谷最著名的口号之一。 (重点:只有偏执狂才能生存only the paranoid survive, 最著名 most well-known, most striking, 硅谷 Silicon Valley, 不加the)
“Only the paranoid survive” is one of the best-known mantras in Silicon Valley.
One of Silicon Valley's most striking/well-known mantras goes,“Only the paranoid survive”.
例1:Nike's tagline" Just do it" has become a popular mantra for a positive lifestyle. 耐克的口号与积极的生活态度
例2:A few years ago, I read a sentence "Shut up and listen". Since then, I adopted it as my personal and career mantra. 嘴边的话
例3:In the wake of the forest fire in Miyun District, "Safety first" should become a mantra for local residents. 安全第一,警戒火灾
countable noun
a well-known/ powerful/ popular/ long-standing mantra
"Think global, act local" is a powerful mantra for the 21st century.
“Move fast and break things” has become a popular startup mantra.
“Only the paranoid survive” is one of the well-known mantras in Silicon Valley.
One of Silicon Valley's most striking mantras goes,“Only the paranoid survive”.