
《卫报》2018/11/13 斯坦李,传奇缔造者去世,享年95岁

2018-11-13  本文已影响5人  Ethan_FLEnglish

Stan Lee: Spider-Man, X-Men and Avengers creator dies aged 95

Almost as famous as his Marvel superheroes, Lee was known for bringing complex emotional life to cartoon characters

Stan Lee:蜘蛛侠,X战警和复仇者联盟的缔造者去世,享年95岁


The comic writerStan Lee, co-creator of iconic characters including Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Daredevil and the X-Men, has died aged 95.

钢铁侠,神奇四侠,蜘蛛侠,夜魔侠以及X战警等偶像人物的联合创始人漫画作家Stan Lee于95岁高龄去世。

Lee, who teamed up with artists such as Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, revitalised the comics industry with his superheroes, giving them complex emotional lives to colour their all-action adventures.

Lee同Jack Kirby和Steve Ditko等艺术家一道,用超级英雄系列重振了漫画产业,给英雄们注入了多样的情感生活,来丰富他们的冒险之旅。

As a writer and editor charged with keeping multiple stories going at the same time, Lee wove them together into a seamless fictional world where Iron Man could join forces with the Fantastic Four, and Captain America could find himself a wedding guest alongside Doctor Strange. The Marvel Universe he created crossed from page to screen in a series of TV and movie adaptations and changed the face of popular culture.


“He felt an obligation to his fans to keep creating,” his daughter J.C. Lee said in a statement to Reuters. “He loved his life and he loved what he did for a living. His family loved him and his fans loved him. He was irreplaceable.”

“他觉得为粉丝们不断去创造是自己的义务,”他的女儿J.C. Lee在对路透社的一份声明中说到:“他热爱生活并且热爱着自己的事业。家人爱他,粉丝们也爱他。他是不可替代的。”

She did not mention Lee’s cause of death but the TMZ celebrity news website said an ambulance was called to Lee’s Hollywood Hills home early on Monday, and that he died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.


Stan Lee老爷子的去世让娱乐界大腕们都扼腕叹息,纷纷发推文表达哀思:

美国队长Chris Evans写道:“世界上再不会有第二个Stan Lee。几十年来他给年轻和年老一代带来了冒险,逃离,安慰,自信,启发,力量,友谊和快乐。他的爱和仁慈会在许许多多的生命中留下永久的印记。Excelsior!!” 黑寡妇Scarlett Johansson写道:“安息吧,Stan Lee,漫威漫画的作家,编辑和出版人,太多太多荣誉了。谢谢你做的一切。” 金刚狼Hugh Jackman写道:“我们又失去了一个创造鬼才。Stan Lee曾是超级英雄宇宙里的先驱。我很荣幸成为他经典中的一小部分…扮演了其中一个角色”


Marvel  n. 奇迹;令人惊奇的事物

             vt.&vi. 惊奇,对…感到惊奇

It was a marvel that the dog found its way back home!


Iconic  adj. 符号的;图标的;标志性的;偶像的

The Great Wall is the iconic place of China.


Revitalize  vt. 使恢复元气;振兴

This night cream can revitalize your skin while you are asleep.


Seamless  adj. 无缝的;无漏洞的

The transaction between the two parties is completely seamless.


Adaptation(s)  n. 适应;改编;适应性的改变;同化

Older generation’s adaptation to the digital revolution is slower than the younger generation.


                                                                    ***Culture in Mind***


想必大家今天看到这个词出现频率特别高。但是为什么都要把excelsior和Stan Lee联系在一起呢?在60年代时,Stan Lee还在画漫画专栏时曾经用过其他比较容易被抄袭的结束语,像是Hang Loose, Face Front等。后来老爷子为了防止抄袭决定用一个其他人不知道的词“Excelsior”作为他漫画的结束语,这也成为了他一生都在践行的目标。后来Stan Lee也用Excelsior作为自传的名称。同时Excelsior也是Stan Lee家乡纽约州的官方格言。

Stan Lee在推特中解释到Excelsior意思是“upward and onward to great glory!”这是也他对万千读者们的祝福。大家心目中是怎么翻译和理解的呢?

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