Android Studio中git 提交时Unable to

2017-11-28  本文已影响0人  miniminiming

Unable to find remote helper for 'https'


是因为AndroidStudio使用了Github for Windows里的git引起的,所以卸载Github客户端,然后重新配置一下git.exe就可以了(主要是环境变量和AndroidStudio)

I've been trying to install the Nuclide package all day and have been running into the stupid "unable to find remote helper for https' message. All the google results of people having this problem have not solved my problem, and I've finally figured how to get mine working -- so I thought I'd share.

Remove Github for Windows, if you have it. Don't forget to delete the contents of the Github folder in appdata/local and appdata/roaming.

Install Git for Windows into the default location.

Prepend the following to your PATH:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\libexec\git-core;

And it'll work! (Nuclide will install, Huzzah!)

It all seems simple now, but the hard part was bruteforcing a fix -- I tried all sorts of gits, path adjustments, etc, and this was the first one that worked.

Hopefully this post will save someone the headache of trying to fix their own git installation.


