
2020-10-10  本文已影响0人  锦囊喵

对于一个CATPart内多个PartBody,可以采用如下方式遍历其拓扑;经测试,可以处理STP内参数与非参数拓扑;并对其中的平面着蓝色,Cylinder 着红色



// Mission         : Recolor fillets and planar faces in a Part document
// Illustrates     : o Document loading in session 
//                   o Access to part within document
//                   o Access to hierarchy of features within part, 
//                     filtering on fillets
//                   o Access to topology associated to features
//                   o Graphical modification of this topology
//                   o Direct access to all topological cells linked to part, 
//                     filtering on planar faces
//                   o Graphical modification of these faces
//                   o "save as" of the modified document
// How to execute :
//   mkrun -c "CAAMmrFeatureTopoBRep  FileNameIn FileNameOut"
//   where    FileNameIn  : The complete name of a Part document
//            FileNameOut : The complete name to saveas FileNameIn                         
//   ex:
//   CAAMmrFeatureTopoBRep $WSROOT/CAAMechanicalModeler.edu/InputData/CAAMmrPart.CATPart
//                             PartModified.CATPart
//   In the current directory, PartModified.CATPart will be created

// ObjectModelerBase Framework
#include "CATDocument.h"
#include "CATSessionServices.h"     // To Create,delete a session
#include "CATDocumentServices.h" 
#include "CATInit.h"
#include "CATIContainer.h"
#include "CATSession.h"

// ObjectSpecsModeler Framework
#include "CATIDescendants.h"
#include "CATISpecObject.h"
#include "CATLISTV_CATISpecObject.h"

// NewTopologicalObjects Framework
#include "CATBody.h"
#include "CATCell.h"

// GeometricObjects Framework
#include "CATGeometry.h"
#include "CATSurface.h"
#include "CATFace.h" 
#include "CATSolidCylinder.h"               // Geometric cylinder
#include "CATCylinder.h"
#include "CATCGMJournalList.h"  

// MechanicalModeler Framework
#include "CATIPrtContainer.h"
#include "CATIMfGeometryAccess.h"
#include "CATMfBRepDecode.h"
#include "CATIPrtPart.h"
#include "CATIPartRequest.h"
#include "CATIBodyRequest.h"

// MecModInterfaces Framework
#include "CATIBRepAccess.h"
#include "CATIGeometricalElement.h"

// Visualization Framework
#include "CATIVisProperties.h"            // To change faces color
#include "CATVisPropertiesValues.h"

// System Framework
#include "CATBaseUnknown.h"

#include <iostream.h> 

void printParametersInputError() 
    cout <<"CAAMmrFeatureTopoBRep FileNameIn FileNameOut" << endl;
    cout <<"Where FileNameIn is the complete path of a CATPart document" <<endl;
    cout <<" and FileNameOut, the complete path of the output document" <<endl;
    cout <<"For FileNameIn, you can use the following Part: " ;
    cout <<" $WSROOT/CAAMechanicalModeler.edu/InputData/CAAMmrPart.CATPart"<< endl;

int main(int iArgc,
         char **iArgv) 
  // return code
  int rcode = 0;

  // 1- Checks number of arguments
  if( 3!=iArgc )
      return 1;

  cout << "The CAAMmrFeatureTopoBRep use case begins" << endl;

  // 2- Creates the session
  char *pSessionName = "Sample session";
  CATSession *pSession = NULL;
  HRESULT rc = Create_Session(pSessionName, pSession) ;
  if( FAILED(rc) )
      cout << "can not open session" << endl;
      return 1 ;
  // 3- Loads the input document
  CATDocument *pDoc = NULL;
  rc= CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument(iArgv[1], pDoc) ;

  if( FAILED(rc) )
      cout <<"Error in opening the document: " << iArgv[1] << endl ;
      return 1;
  cout <<"   " << iArgv[1] << " is opened" << endl;

  CATInit *pDocAsInit = NULL;
  rc= pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_CATInit, (void**)&pDocAsInit) ;
  if( FAILED(rc) )
      cout << "Error, the document does not implement CATInit"<< endl;
      return 1;
  // 4- Gets root container of the document
  CATIPrtContainer *pSpecContainer = NULL ;
  pSpecContainer = (CATIPrtContainer*)pDocAsInit->GetRootContainer("CATIPrtContainer");

  pDocAsInit = NULL ;

  if( NULL == pSpecContainer )
      cout <<"Error, the root container is NULL" << endl;
      return 1;

  // 5- Retrieves the MechanicalPart of the document
  CATIPrtPart_var spPart ( pSpecContainer->GetPart() );
  if ( NULL_var == spPart )
      cout <<"Error, the MechanicalPart is NULL" << endl;
      return 1;

  pSpecContainer = NULL ;

  //// 6- Colorizes in green all the fillet features

  //// 6-1 Gets the fillet features
  //CATLISTV(CATISpecObject_var) filletFeatures;
  //CATIDescendants *pPartAsDescendant = NULL;
  //rc = spPart->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDescendants, (void**)&pPartAsDescendant) ;
  //if( FAILED(rc) )
     // cout <<" The MechanicalPart does not implement CATIDescendant" << endl;
     // return 1;
  //pPartAsDescendant->GetAllChildren("CATIFillet", filletFeatures);

  //for(int currentFillet=1; currentFillet<=filletFeatures.Size(); currentFillet++)
  //   const CATISpecObject_var& currentfilletFeature = filletFeatures[currentFillet];
  //   if ( NULL_var != currentfilletFeature )
  //   {
  //      //
  //      // 6-2 Gets the BRep associated with the fillet
  //      //
  //      CATIMfGeometryAccess *pFilletAsGeomAccess = NULL;
  //      if (NULL_var != currentfilletFeature)
  //         rc= currentfilletFeature->QueryInterface(IID_CATIMfGeometryAccess,
  //                                                    (void**)&pFilletAsGeomAccess) ;
  //      else
  //         rc = E_FAIL;
  //      if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
  //         CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) filletBReps;
  //         pFilletAsGeomAccess->GetBReps(filletBReps);

  //         // 6-3 Colorizes BRep 
  //         for(int currentBRep=1; currentBRep<=filletBReps.Size(); currentBRep++)
        //   {
  //            CATIVisProperties *pFilletBrepAsGraphics = 0;
  //            const CATBaseUnknown_var& currentfilletBRep = filletBReps[currentBRep];
  //            if (NULL_var != currentfilletBRep)
  //               rc =  currentfilletBRep->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties,
  //                                                            (void**)&pFilletBrepAsGraphics) ;
  //            else
  //               rc = E_FAIL;

  //            if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
        //    {                
        //        CATVisPropertiesValues color;
  //                color.SetColor(0, 255, 0); // green
  //                pFilletBrepAsGraphics->SetPropertiesAtt(color, CATVPColor, CATVPMesh);

  //                pFilletBrepAsGraphics->Release();
  //                pFilletBrepAsGraphics = NULL ;
        //    }
        //   }
  //         pFilletAsGeomAccess->Release();
  //         pFilletAsGeomAccess = NULL ;
  // }
  // pPartAsDescendant->Release();
  // pPartAsDescendant = NULL ;
   // 7- Colorizes in blue the planar faces of the result associated with  
   //    the main Part body

   // 7-1 Retrieves the main body
   CATIPartRequest_var spPartRequest = spPart ;
   if ( NULL_var == spPartRequest )
       cout <<"Error on CATIPartRequest" << endl;
       return 1;

    CATIPartRequest *pPartAsRequest = 0;
    rc = spPart->QueryInterface(IID_CATIPartRequest, (void**)&pPartAsRequest) ;
    if ( FAILED(rc) )
        cout <<" Error in retrieving a QI on CATIPartRequest" << endl;
        return 1 ;

    const CATUnicodeString stdContext(" "); // Sets the context for topo bodies lookup 

    // 7-1 Extracts the lists of its Body Features
    CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) BodyList;  
    pPartAsRequest->GetSolidBodies(stdContext, BodyList);
    //cout <<"   The list of Body Features:" ;

    //7-2 Retrieves the feature holding the result of the main body
    //    It's the first element of the list returned by GetResults
    for(int currentBody=1; currentBody<=BodyList.Size(); currentBody++)
        CATBaseUnknown_var spMainPartBody ;
        spMainPartBody = BodyList[currentBody];
        //rc = spPartRequest->GetMainBody("",spMainPartBody);
        //if ( FAILED(rc) || ( NULL_var == spMainPartBody) )
        //  cout <<"Error with GetMainBody" << endl;
        //  return 1;

        CATIBodyRequest_var spMainPartBodyBodyRequest = spMainPartBody ;
        if ( NULL_var == spMainPartBodyBodyRequest )
             cout <<"Error with CATIBodyRequest_var on the main Part body" << endl;
            return 1;

        CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) ListResult ;
        rc = spMainPartBodyBodyRequest->GetResults("",ListResult);
        if ( FAILED(rc) || (0 == ListResult.Size() ))
             cout <<"Error with GetResults" << endl;
            return 1;

   // 7-3 Retrieves a CATIGeometricalElement pointer on the feature result
        //CATIGeometricalElement_var spFeatureResultGeomElem = BodyList[currentBody] ;
        CATIGeometricalElement_var spFeatureResultGeomElem = ListResult[1] ;
        if ( NULL_var == spFeatureResultGeomElem )
            cout <<"Error, the feature result does not implement CATIGeometricalElement" << endl;
            return 1;

        // 7-4 Retrieves the CATBody associating with the feature result
        CATBody_var spPartTopoBody = spFeatureResultGeomElem->GetBodyResult();
        if ( NULL_var == spPartTopoBody )
            cout <<"Error, the body returned by the GetSolid method is NULL" << endl;
            return 1;

        // 7-5 Gets all two dimensional topo cells representing the Part body
        CATLISTP(CATCell) cells;
        spPartTopoBody->GetAllCells(cells, 2);

        // 7-6 Processes the two dimensional topo cells 
        for(int currentCell=1; currentCell<=cells.Size(); currentCell++)
            CATCell_var pCell ( cells[currentCell] );
            if ( NULL_var != pCell )
                CATGeometry *pGeometry = pCell->GetGeometry();

                if ( (NULL != pGeometry) && (pGeometry->IsATypeOf(CATPlaneType)) )
                    CATIBRepAccess_var spBRepAccess ( CATBRepDecode(pCell, spFeatureResultGeomElem) );
                    if( NULL_var!=spBRepAccess )
                        // 7-7 Colorizes BRep
                        CATIVisProperties *pBRepAccessAsGraphics = 0;
                        rc= spBRepAccess->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties,
                                                                (void**)&pBRepAccessAsGraphics) ;
                        if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
                            CATVisPropertiesValues color;
                            color.SetColor(0, 0, 255); // Blue
                            pBRepAccessAsGraphics->SetPropertiesAtt(color, CATVPColor, CATVPMesh);
                            pBRepAccessAsGraphics = NULL ;

        // 7-5 Gets all two dimensional topo cells representing the Part body
        //CATLISTP(CATCell) cells;
        spPartTopoBody->GetAllCells(cells, 2);

        // 7-6 Processes the two dimensional topo cells 

        //CATFace *piFace = (CATFace*) (faceList[k]);
        //if (NULL == piFace) return (1);
        //CATSurface *piSurface = piFace->GetSurface();
        //if (piSurface->IsAKindOf(CATCylinder::ClassName()))
        //  piRodCylinder = (CATCylinder*) piSurface;

        for(int currentCell=1; currentCell<=cells.Size(); currentCell++)
            CATCell_var pCell ( cells[currentCell] );
            if ( NULL_var != pCell )
                CATGeometry *pGeometry = pCell->GetGeometry();

                CATFace *piFace = (CATFace*) (cells[currentCell]);
                if (NULL == piFace) return (1);
                CATSurface *piSurface = piFace->GetSurface();
                if (piSurface->IsAKindOf(CATCylinder::ClassName()))
                //  piRodCylinder = (CATCylinder*) piSurface;
                //if ( (NULL != pGeometry) && (pGeometry->IsATypeOf(CATSurfaceType)) && (!pGeometry->IsATypeOf(CATPlaneType)))
                    CATIBRepAccess_var spBRepAccess ( CATBRepDecode(pCell, spFeatureResultGeomElem) );
                    if( NULL_var!=spBRepAccess )
                        // 7-7 Colorizes BRep
                        CATIVisProperties *pBRepAccessAsGraphics = 0;
                        rc= spBRepAccess->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties,
                                                                (void**)&pBRepAccessAsGraphics) ;
                        if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )
                            CATVisPropertiesValues color;
                            color.SetColor(255, 0, 0); // Red
                            pBRepAccessAsGraphics->SetPropertiesAtt(color, CATVPColor, CATVPMesh);
                            pBRepAccessAsGraphics = NULL ;
   // 8- Saves the document
   // @CSC-Filter UNER
   rc = CATDocumentServices::SaveAs(*pDoc, iArgv[2]);
   if (S_OK == rc)
     cout << "   The "<< iArgv[2] ;
     cout << " document contains the modified Part" << endl ;
     cout << "Error in saving document "<< iArgv[2] << endl;
     return 1;
   // 9- Closes the document
   rc = CATDocumentServices::Remove(*pDoc);
   if (FAILED(rc))
     cout << "Error in closing document" << endl ;
     return 1;
   pDoc = NULL ;

   // 10- Deletes all documents in session  
   rc = Delete_Session(pSessionName);
   if (FAILED(rc))
     cout << "Error in deleting session" << endl ;
     return 1;
   cout << "The CAAMmrFeatureTopoBRep use case is ended" << endl;

   return 0;

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