
Repetitive nonreentrant ventricu

2016-11-06  本文已影响235人  黑猫格鲁宾

Repetitive nonreentrant ventriculo-atrial synchrony( RNRVAS) 反复性的非折返性室房同步,是一种发生于植入双腔起搏器,并有完整的室房逆传功能的患者的心律失常,可以表现为与起搏器介导的无休止的环状心动过速类似的症状,也是功能性的心房低感知和功能性的心房失夺获的一种结果。除了丧失最适的房室间期和不适当的心室起搏之外,这种心律失常还可以触发房性心律失常,导致严重的并发症。



Precipitation of atrial fibrillation. An atrial paced beat is delivered during atrial refractoriness which initiates atrial fibrillation. Inappropriate shock for atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. The ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation eventually accelerates into the ventricular fibrillation zone (A). This is detected by the device and one scheme of anti-tachycardia pacing (ATP) is delivered during charging which fails to terminate the arrhythmia. This is followed by a 36-J shock with eventual return of normal sinus rhythm

图片引自Aiman Smer, Rebecca Dietz, Hussam Abuissa. Repetitive non-reentrant ventriculo-atrial synchrony induced atrial fibrillation terminated with inappropriate shock.Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal  (2016) 1-6

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