

2017-12-13  本文已影响7人  大汪小喵

Erdogan: World should recognise Jerusalem as Palestinian capital



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged leaders of Muslim nations to recognise Jerusalem as the "occupied capital of the Palestinian state".

土耳其公开和美国叫板了。美国说耶路撒冷应该是以色列首都,土耳其就拍桌子,“我咋觉得应该是巴勒斯坦首都呢?” “穆斯林兄弟们,我们光窝里斗了,我们都忘了敌人存在了(Those who fight with their friends forget to fight with their enemies)。” 


1. Addressing a summit of the Organisation for Islamic Co-operation, he said the US decision to recognise the city as Israel's capital was "null and void".

埃尔多安在出席伊斯兰合作组织紧急会议时表示,美国承认耶路撒冷为以色列首都的行为简直简直就是null and void。那么,这个“null and void”又是什么意思呢?直译一下就是“无效虚空的”,这个词很正式,一般用在与法律相关的描述中,举例说明:Civil acts that are null and void shall not be legally binding from the very beginning. 无效的民事行为从一开始就没有法律约束力。

2. Mr Erdogan also again accused Israel of being a "state of terror".

埃尔多安指控以色列是“恐怖主义”国家。“控制”用的是“accuse of"。

3. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said the US had "disqualified itself from playing a role in the peace process".

矮马,巴基斯坦的这位直接说美国就没资格搞和平。这里用的是“disqualify from”。举例说明:to disqualify an athlete from taking part in the Olympic Games, 取消运动员参加奥利匹克运动会的资格。

4. The BBC's Mark Lowen in Istanbul says the rhetoric at the start of the OIC summit was strong.


5. Our correspondent says various countries have only sent ministers to the meeting, possibly a sign of low expectation, and the reaction on the streets of the Muslim world to the Jerusalem issue has been relatively restrained.

作为吃瓜群众的一些国家仅仅派大使参会,他们对此次会议期待值很低,这里用了“low expectation”,穆斯林国家谁也不好得罪,他们的态度为“restrained”,可以说是低调又内敛。

6. Mr Erdogan threatened to cut Turkish ties with Israel before Mr Trump's announcement last week, though he made no mention of this in his speech.

“threaten to”,“威胁着要干啥干啥”,埃尔多安领导下的土耳其基本要与以色列断交了,不再赘言。

7. Mr Erdogan instead urged a unified response by Muslim nations to Mr Trump's Jerusalem decision.



