
2023-03-19  本文已影响0人  Katie_Pan

<The Age of Adaline>079

Release date: 2015-4-24


Running time:112mins

Recommendation Rate:★★★★★

Four questions:

1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?

Nobody is an lonely island. If no love, life is meaningless.

2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).

A/ Adaline lived to her year of 107, but every 10 years, she has to run, change name and everything. If people can stay young, at the same time lose the right to love, or to accompany lover and family members, that's still cruel and sad.

B/ William saw his Adaline after 40 years, from his response and words, we can feel the deep love between them. Just very close that they could get married. And now Adaline changed to Jenny and fell in love with william's son Ellise. 

C/ What we called love only can be seen in movie. I don't know in the reality, do we have the couple, they fell in love and without each other, nothing makes sense. Though I am not young any more,still curious about that kind of feeling.  Maybe in my whole life, there will be no that person appeared, I'll also be passion to the world, because I know it's not easy to be alive.

3、What did you learn from the movie?

It's happiness to live with true love, if not, accompany is also a way of expressing love.

4、The background of the story.

Adaline had an car accident, and then stopped in her age of 29. The story happened during her almost 80 years runing and living. Finally, she met Ellis, and decided to stopping running for him.

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