React Full Stack
2017-08-23 本文已影响0人
React Full Stack
- Framework - React
- State Container - Redux, react-redux
- Router - react-router, react-router-redux (Custom the rootReducer to support Immutable)
- Action Creator - redux-actions
- Side Effect - redux-saga
- Immutable State - Immutable
- Reducer Immutable - redux-immutable
- Persist Immutable Store - redux-persist-immutable
- Selector - reselect
- State Normalize - normalizr
- Dynimic Import - react-loadable
- UI - Ant Design
- Form- redux-form
- Framework - express, [koa2]
- Database ODM - mongoose
- Session - expresss-session
- Authorization - passport, passport-local, [passport-jwt]
Develop Dependencies
- ES2015 - Babel
- Flow & Bundle - Webpack
- Lint - eslint
- Test - Jest, supertest
- Type - Flow
- Process Manager nodemon, pm2