2019-07-13 本文已影响0人
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<div id="app">
<div class="contain">
<mt-header title="入库接收详情">
<router-link to="" slot="left">
<mt-button icon="back" @click="goback">返回</mt-button>
<mt-button slot="right" @click="getsure">提交审核</mt-button>
<div class="listall">
<div class="listeach">
<div class="listtop">
<span class="topl" v-if="Receiveall.arrayTime == 0">今天</span>
<span class="topl" v-if="Receiveall.arrayTime == 1">明天</span>
<span class="topl" v-if="Receiveall.arrayTime == 2">后天</span>
<span class="topr" v-if="Receiveall.reveceState == 0" style="color: #3FD15B;">待接收 </span>
<span class="topr" v-if="Receiveall.reveceState == 1" style="color: #3FD15B;">审核中</span>
<span class="topr" v-if="Receiveall.reveceState == 2" style="color: #3FD15B;">审核拒绝</span>
<span class="topr" v-if="Receiveall.reveceState == 3" style="color: #3FD15B;">审核通过</span>
<div class="listend">总计:<span style="font-weight: bold;">{{Receiveall.productCount}}</span>种商品,共<span style="font-weight: bold;">{{Receiveall.seCount}}</span>件</div>
<div class="upform">
<div class="formleft">送货单</div>
<div class="formright">
<span class="chance">{{viewtitle}}<input type="file" id="saveImage" name="myphoto" @change="getFile" multiple></span>
<div class="upviewimgs">
<span v-for="(item, index) in viewimgs">
<img :src="item.url+item.name" />
<div class="goodsall">
<div class="goods_list" v-for="(item, index) in datalist">
<div v-if="item.style !== 1" class="cleabboth"></div>
<div class="Rejectionstyle" style="margin: 2px 10px;">
<mt-switch v-if="item.style !== 1" v-model="item.Rejection" @change="turnstyle(item, index)">拒收</mt-switch>
<div class="goodstitle">
<div class="inputlist">
<div class="delmore" @click="delneed(item, index)" v-if="item.style === 1">✕</div>
<div class="inputtop" style="display: block;overflow: hidden;clear: both;">
<div class="inputll">
<span class="datainput" @click="dateClick1(item, index)">{{item.productionDateStr}}</span>
<div class="inputrr">
<input v-model="item.buyCount" :disabled="item.Rejection===true" type="number" @blur="sumFocus($event)" />
<span style="text-align:center;">件</span>
<div class="buildmorediv" v-if="item.style !== 1" :class="{'class-b': nonebg}" v-show="item.Rejection===false">
<p class="buildmore" @click="buildmore(item, index)">新增一条</p>
<mt-datetime-picker v-model="dataVal1" type="date" ref="picker1" year-format="{value}年" month-format="{value}月" date-format="{value}日" @confirm="handleConfirm1">
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var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
LINK: "http://pic.tongchengxianggou.com:9011",
noneid: '',
addpart: [{
name: "待审核"
}, ],
whether: '',
maina: '',
newmian: [],
nonebg: false,
objbighight: '',
localtime: '',
localaccept: '',
localcount: '',
localsingle: '',
statetypeid: '',
targetID: '',
hotmain: {},
srcimg: '',
personalPhoto: true,
localid: '',
cont: {},
time: '',
danwei: '',
datalist: [],
dataall: [],
value: null,
pickerValue: null,
pickerValue: '',
build: '',
current: 0,
showOrFalse: false,
mobile: null,
active: 0,
dataVal1: new Date(),
date1: "", //默认值
navArr: [{
name: "待审核"
name: "审核中"
name: "已完成"
setdata: [],
imglink: '',
imgname: '',
imgarray: [],
Receiveall: {},
indextime: '',
filesArr: [],
viewimgs: [],
viewtitle: "选择图片",
methods: {
sumFocus(e) {
if(e.target.value <= 0) {
e.target.value = ""
return false
} else {
e.target.value = e.target.value
turnstyle: function(ta, tb) {
this.datalist.map((item) => {
if(item.id == ta.id) {
item.Rejection = ta.Rejection
} else {
item.Rejection = item.Rejection
delneed(target, few) {
title: '温馨提示',
message: '确定需要删除吗?',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: "删除",
cancelButtonText: "取消"
}).then(action => {
if(action == 'confirm') {
this.datalist.splice(few, 1);
getFile(e) {
this.viewimgs = [];
this.filesArr = [];
var that = this;
let files = e.target.files;
// 如果没有选中文件,直接返回
if(files.length === 0) {
let reader;
let file;
let images = this.images;
for(let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
file = files[i];
var promise = Promise.all(this.filesArr.map((tempFilePath, index) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var param = new FormData(); // 创建form对象
param.append('imgFileTmp', tempFilePath)
that.$http.post(that.LINK + `/app/sku/sku-instorage-accept/upload-tmp-pic-dothing/do`, param)
.then(res => {
if(res.body.code === 200) {
resolve(res.body.data.replace(/\[|]/g, ''));
} else {
.catch(function(error) {
promise.then(function(results) {
var viewname = []; //这是回显的步骤
results.map((item) => {
let obj = JSON.parse(item)
that.viewurl =obj.url
that.filesArr = [];
that.viewtitle = "重新上传"
that.viewstring = viewname.join(";");
}).catch(function(err) {
deleteimg(index) {
this.viewimgs.splice(index, 1);
goback() {
great() {
databuild(a) {
var formData = new FormData()
this.Receiveall = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("ReceiveData"));
method: 'post',
url: this.LINK + `/sku/revece/order/list/product` + "?receveId=" + this.Receiveall.id + "&max=" + 10000,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
}).then(res => {
res.data.data.rvList.map((item) => {
var productionDateStr = "";
var Rejection = "";
this.$set(item, 'productionDateStr', productionDateStr)
this.$set(item, 'Rejection', false)
this.datalist = res.data.data.rvList
dateClick1(a, b) {
this.cont = a;
this.indextime = b;
handleConfirm1(value) {
var d = new Date(value);
if(d.getMonth() >= 0) {
var month = (d.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)) : (d.getMonth() + 1);
var day = (d.getDate()) < 10 ? ('0' + (d.getDate())) : (d.getDate());
var hh = (d.getHours()) < 10 ? ('0' + (d.getHours())) : (d.getHours());
var times = d.getFullYear() + '-' + month + '-' + day;
this.date1 = times //注意pickerVisibles带s
} else {
this.date1 = "1807-01-01" //设置的开始日期
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('prId', this.cont.id)
formData.append('batchNo', this.date1)
this.$http.post(this.LINK + `/sku/purchas/batch/flag`, formData)
.then(res => {
if(res.data.code === 200) {
message: res.data.msg,
position: 'center',
duration: 2000
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
} else {
message: "无法提交",
position: 'center',
duration: 2000
}).catch((err) => {
this.cont.productionDateStr = this.date1
buildmore(a, b) {
this.maina = a;
addmore: [],
newobj = {
style: 1,
id: a.id,
productionDateStr: "",
buyCount: "",
Rejection: a.Rejection
this.datalist.splice(b + 1, 0, newobj)
this.hotmain = newobj;
getsure() {
var x = document.getElementById('saveImage').files[0];
if(x) {
text: '加载中....',
spinnerType: 'fading-circle'
var builddata = []
this.datalist.map((item) => {
if(item.Rejection === false) {
this.whether = 0;
} else {
this.whether = 1;
var addbuild = ({
"flag": this.whether,
"buyCount": item.buyCount, //数量
"prrId": item.id,
"batchNo": item.productionDateStr,
var map = {},
dest = [];
for(var i = 0; i < builddata.length; i++) {
var ai = builddata[i];
if(!map[ai.prrId]) {
prrId: ai.prrId,
flag: ai.flag,
li: [ai]
map[ai.prrId] = ai;
} else {
for(var j = 0; j < dest.length; j++) {
var dj = dest[j];
if(dj.prrId == ai.prrId) {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('receveId', this.Receiveall.id)
formData.append('state', 1)
formData.append('url', this.viewurl)
formData.append('name', this.viewstring)
formData.append('jsonArray', JSON.stringify(dest))
this.$http.post(this.LINK + `/sku/purchas/requisition/product/price/add`, formData)
.then(res => {
if(res.data.code === 200) {
message: res.data.msg,
position: 'center',
duration: 2000
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
} else {
message: "无法提交",
position: 'center',
duration: 2000
}).catch((err) => {
} else {
message: '提示: 请上传送货单再次提交审核',
position: 'center',
duration: 3000
return false;
var x = document.getElementById('saveImage').files[0];
if(x) {
var config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
var myData = {
inStorageAcceptId: this.localid,
products: [],
var builddata = []
this.datalist.map((item) => {
this.noneid = item.skuProductPoolDto.id;
if(item.skuInstorageProductDto.productionDateStr === "") {
this.whether = 1;
} else {
this.whether = 2;
var addbuild = ({
"tomainid": item.skuProductPoolDto.id,
"knowID": item.skuProductPoolDto.id,
"amount": item.skuPurchaseTransferDto.amount,
"productionDate": item.skuInstorageProductDto.productionDateStr,
"purchasePrice": item.skuInstorageProductDto.purchasePrice,
"memberPrice": item.skuInstorageProductDto.memberPrice,
"sellPrice": item.skuInstorageProductDto.sellPrice,
var map = {},
dest = [];
for(var i = 0; i < builddata.length; i++) {
var ai = builddata[i];
if(!map[ai.knowID]) {
memberPrice: parseFloat(ai.memberPrice),
knowID: ai.knowID,
purchaseProductId: ai.tomainid,
amount: ai.amount,
productionDate: ai.productionDate,
purchasePrice: ai.purchasePrice,
sellPrice: ai.sellPrice,
productsAttrPrice: []
map[ai.knowID] = ai;
} else {
for(var j = 0; j < dest.length; j++) {
var dj = dest[j];
if(dj.knowID == ai.knowID) {
myData.products = dest;
if(this.whether === 1) {
message: '提示: 请填写所有生产日期',
position: 'center',
duration: 3000
return false;
} else {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('inStorageProductsJsonString', JSON.stringify(myData))
formData.append('purchasePicStr', JSON.stringify(this.imgarray))
.then(res => {
if(res.data.code === 200){
message: res.data.msg,
position: 'center',
duration: 2000
setTimeout(location.href = 'index.html',8000);
message: res.data.msg,
position: 'center',
duration: 2000
}).catch((err) => {
} else {
message: '提示: 请上传送货单再次提交审核',
position: 'center',
duration: 3000
return false;
mounted: function() {
this.$nextTick(function() {