Q1: 什么样的单词值得学习?
passive vocabulary 消极词汇--认得但不会用;active vocabulary 积极词汇--会用
A1: 高频、地道、好用的小词
提高英语水平的关键:把消极词汇转化为积极词汇 (Knowing a word is one thing, but knowing how to use it is quite another. )

Q2:值得学习的单词应该怎么学? A2: 1 养成使用英英词典,英汉双解词典的习惯(目的:深入了解单词,从释义、搭配到使用的范畴等,体会语言的微妙性,阅读英文例句来加深认识) 2 把新单词与个人相关联以激活该词(自己会在何种情况下会用到这个词,与谁说话会用上,与自己的工作、生活的关联,自己身边的事情哪里可以用到)
理想的单词学习的四个认知阶段:1 认识 2 原来是这个用法啊 3 试着使用 4自己会用了
1 北大和清华有全国最聪明的学生和最强的师资。
普通版:Peking and Tsinghua Universities(注意用法) have the most talented students and best faculty members in China.

boast +正向的事物,常常是自己有别人无的东西, to have or own something to be proud of
2 这条街有8家餐厅和5家酒吧。
普通版:There are eight restaurants and five bars on this street.
升级版:Eight restaurants and five bars dot the street.(画面感,点缀)
3 这个图书馆藏有55万册图书。
The library houses/has 550,000 books. (house生动活泼)
4 中关村有近9000家高科技公司。
Zhongguancun has about 9,000 high tech companies.
Zhongguancun is home to about 9,000 high tech companies.(亲切感)
Zhongguancun is teeming with about 9,000 high tech companies. (充满,热闹的感觉)

1. 《经济学人》文章的特点是分析富有洞见,语言优美。
The feature of The Economist is its insightful analysis and high-quality language.
The Economist is characterized/marked by its insightful analysis and high-quality prose.
Insightful analysis and high-quality prose characterize The Economist.

态度:Be mindful. Be active and creative.