Day 1 读书笔记

2017-02-27  本文已影响0人  JSSL

1.empirical: evidence or study relies on practical experience rather than theories


ex: There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis. 他的论文缺乏实验证据的支持。

2.progression: a progression is a gradual development from one state to another发展,演变

ex:I think they saw it as a natural progression for me. 我想他们认为这对我来说是顺理成章的。

3.dissect: 1.if someone dissects the body of a dead person or animal, they carefully cut it up in order to examine it scientifically 解剖(人体或动物躯体)

ex: We dissected a frog in biology class. 我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙。

2. if someone dissects something such as a theory, a situation, or a piece of writing, they consider and talk about each detail of it 仔细分析,详细评论

ex: People want to dissect his work and question his motives. 人们想仔细分析他的作品,并对他的动机提出质疑。

4. chromosome: A chromosome is a part of a cell in an animal or plant. It contains genes which determine what characteristics the animal or plant will have. 动植物染色体

ex: Each cell of our bodies contains 46 chromosomes. 我们人体的每个细胞都包含46个染色体。

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