小文件分析 - (二)

2021-07-25  本文已影响0人  5dplay

主数据库文件头之后的都是页的内容了,页的分类主要有5种:b-tree 页,overflow 页,free 页,lock-byte页以及pointer map page
主要使用到的是前三者,lock-byte页只要是为了支持某些文件系统使用的是强制性加文件锁,而pointer map page是为了支持 auto_vacuumincremental_vacuum模式,这两个以后再说。


空闲页 free page

空闲页分为chunkleaf,前者存放着多个leaf空闲页(里面没有任何数据),并且chunk会串起来成为一个freelist,官网是这么说的:The freelist is organized as a linked list of freelist trunk pages with each trunk page containing page numbers for zero or more freelist leaf pages.

Offset Size Description
0 4 下一个freelist chunk page的页号
4 4 L=当前chunk存放的freelist leaf page的数目
8 L*4 freelist leaf page页号组成的数组,长度等于L

b-tree页 B-tree page





先不着急看页头和cell的具体定义,回到我们那个小文件分析中,还是利用刚才的showdb工具依次输入./showdb small.db NbdCCC,N为页号(例子中N=1~3):

PS G:\code-2\sqlite3> ./showdb small.db 1bdCCC
Pagesize: 4096
Available pages: 1..2
Header on btree page 1:
 000: 0d                   13  table leaf
 001: 00 00                 0  Offset to first freeblock
 003: 00 01                 1  Number of cells on this page
 005: 0f a3              4003  Offset to cell content area
 007: 00                    0  Fragmented byte count
 f3f: 5b                         payload-size: 91
 f40: 01                         rowid: 1
 f41: 07                         record-header-size: 7
 f42: 17                         typecode[0]: 23 - text(5)
 f43: 21                         typecode[1]: 33 - text(10)
 f44: 21                         typecode[2]: 33 - text(10)
 f45: 01                         typecode[3]: 1 - int8
 f46: 81 01                      typecode[4]: 129 - text(58)
 f48: 74 61 62 6c 65             data[0]: 'table'
 f4d: 64 65 70 61 72 74 6d 65 6e data[1]: 'department'
 f57: 64 65 70 61 72 74 6d 65 6e data[2]: 'department'
 f61: 02                         data[3]: 2
 f62: 43 52 45 41 54 45 20 54 41 data[4]: 'CREATE TABLE department...'


CREATE TABLE sqlite_schema(
  type text,
  name text,
  tbl_name text,
  rootpage integer,
  sql text

暂时了解到这里即可,回头看页1,可以看到Cell[0]存放着的正是department这张表的信息,从里面我预先(可以先讲格式,但这样就很无聊了)知道了rootpage = 2(cell[0]里面的data[3]==2)。

PS G:\code-2\sqlite3> ./showdb small.db 2bdCCC
Pagesize: 4096
Available pages: 1..2
Header on btree page 2:
 000: 0d                   13  table leaf
 001: 00 00                 0  Offset to first freeblock
 003: 00 02                 2  Number of cells on this page
 005: 0f ea              4074  Offset to cell content area
 007: 00                    0  Fragmented byte count
 ff5: 09                         payload-size: 9
 ff6: 01                         rowid: 1
 ff7: 04                         record-header-size: 4
 ff8: 09                         typecode[0]: 9 - one
 ff9: 15                         typecode[1]: 21 - text(4)
 ffa: 01                         typecode[2]: 1 - int8
 ffb: 74 65 73 74                data[1]: 'test'
 fff: ff                         data[2]: -1
 fea: 09                         payload-size: 9
 feb: 02                         rowid: 2
 fec: 04                         record-header-size: 4
 fed: 01                         typecode[0]: 1 - int8
 fee: 15                         typecode[1]: 21 - text(4)
 fef: 09                         typecode[2]: 9 - one
 ff0: 02                         data[0]: 2
 ff1: 74 65 73 74                data[1]: 'test'


sqlite> insert into department values(1, "test", -1);
sqlite> insert into department values(2, "test", 1);


b-tree 页头内容


Datatype Table Leaf (0x0d) Table Interior (0x05) Index Leaf (0x0a) Index Interior (0x02) Description
4-byte integer Page number of left child
varint Number of bytes of payload
varint Rowid
byte array Payload
4-byte integer Page number of first overflow page

这里剩下的问题就是playload里面存放着什么了。不管是table还是index都是 "record format",也就是记录列的个数,列的类型,以及每一列的内容。

对于Table Leaf来说,里面存放的就是一行数据,其格式如下:

data array

以下是serial type的定义:

Serial Type Content Size Meaning
0 0 Value is a NULL.
1 1 Value is an 8-bit twos-complement integer.
2 2 Value is a big-endian 16-bit twos-complement integer.
3 3 Value is a big-endian 24-bit twos-complement integer.
4 4 Value is a big-endian 32-bit twos-complement integer.
5 6 Value is a big-endian 48-bit twos-complement integer.
6 8 Value is a big-endian 64-bit twos-complement integer.
7 8 Value is a big-endian IEEE 754-2008 64-bit floating point number.
8 0 Value is the integer 0. (Only available for schema format 4 and higher.)
9 0 Value is the integer 1. (Only available for schema format 4 and higher.)
10,11 variable Reserved for internal use. These serial type codes will never appear in a well-formed database file, but they might be used in transient and temporary database files that SQLite sometimes generates for its own use. The meanings of these codes can shift from one release of SQLite to the next.
N≥12 and even (N-12)/2 Value is a BLOB that is (N-12)/2 bytes in length.
N≥13 and odd (N-13)/2 Value


 ff5: 09                         payload-size: 9
 ff6: 01                         rowid: 1
 ff7: 04                         record-header-size: 4
 ff8: 09                         typecode[0]: 9 - one
 ff9: 15                         typecode[1]: 21 - text(4)
 ffa: 01                         typecode[2]: 1 - int8
 ffb: 74 65 73 74                data[1]: 'test'
 fff: ff                         data[2]: -1

该cell对应着:insert into department values(1, "test", -1);
其中字符串的长度 = (21 - 13)/2 = 4。那如果是奇数长度的字符串呢?
因为schema format是4,故1可以直接用 09来表示。
不过有一点值得注意的是,这插入其实是逆序执行的,回忆一下page的分布,cell content是从下往上伸展,而cell pointer array是从上往下伸展。故越新的数据,在越上面。这是为了减少页的磁盘碎片化而使用的机制。



