Mexico Women Protest
On Monday, Mexican women protested against femicide after several gruesome killings of women.
They protested by staying home from work and school and called their protest “A Day Without Us.” There are twenty-one million women who work in Mexico, so their absence may cost the government $300 million.
However, the government, universities, and some companies backed the protest. It was part of International Women’s Day in Mexico, in which eighty-thousand people protested against violence against women. That protest started peacefully, but fights between police and protesters led to sixty injured people.
In 2019 in Mexico, anaverage of 10 women a day were killed, and reports tell that 25% of those women died in the home.
1. protest,vt, to come together to publicly express disapproval or opposition to something, 抗议;noun, something that you do to show publicly that you think that something is wrong and unfair, for example taking part in big public meetings, refusing to work, or refusing to buy a company's products, 抗议
eg. protester, noun, person who protests, 抗议者,名词复数是protesters
2.femicide, noun, 杀害女性者
3.absence,noun, when you are not in the place where people expect you to be, or the time that you are away, 缺席;noun, the lack of something or the fact that it does not exist, 缺乏
eg. absent, adj, not at work, school, a meeting etc, because you are sick or decide not to go,缺席的;absent from work/ school/ meeting etc, 缺勤/ 未到校/ 未参会;absentee, noun, someone who is not at school or work when they should be,缺席者
4.back,vt, to support someone or something, especially by giving them money or using your influence, 支持;adv, in, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time, 回去,回到eg. backer, noun,someone who gives financial support to something, 支持者,名词复数是backers; back and force, going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times, 来回地
5.violence,noun, behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically, 暴力
eg. domestic violence, 家庭暴力;violent, adj, involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people, by hitting them, shooting them etc; someone who is violent is likely to attack, hurt, or kill other people; showing very strong angry emotions or opinions, 暴力的;violently, adv, 暴力地
6.peacefully,adv, calmly and quietly, 平静地, 和平地
eg. peaceful, adj, a peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement, 平静的,和平的;peace, noun, a situation in which there is no war or fighting,和平;world peace, 世界和平;the peace process, 和平进程
7. average, noun, the result obtained by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts, 平均
eg. above/ below the average, 高于/ 低于平均水平;on the average, 按平均算
8.gruesome, adj, very unpleasant or shocking, and involving someone being killed or badly injured, 恐怖的,讨厌的,可怕的;名词是gruesomeness, 恐怖,讨厌,可怕;副词是gruesomely, 恐怖地,讨厌地,可怕地
1. lead to, to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something, 致使,造成
eg. result in/ cause/ trigger, 致使,造成
2.average of,平均