Lesson26(2) Wanted: a large biscuit tin
They offered to pay $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit baked by a listener.
The response to this competition was tremendous.
Before long,
biscuits of all shapes and sizes began arriving at the factory.
One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow.
It weighed nearly 500 pounds.
A little later,
a man came along with a biscuit which occupied the whole boot of his car.
All the biscuits that were sent were carefully weighed.
The largest was 713 pounds.
It seemed certain that this would win the prize.
But just before the competition closed,
a lorry arrived at the factory with a truly colossal biscuit which weighed 2400 pounds.
It had been baked by a college student who had used over 1000 pounds of flour, 800 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of fat, and 400 pounds of various other ingredients.
It was so heavy that a crane had to be used to remove it from the lorry.
The manufacturers had to pay more money than they had anticipated,
for they bought the biscuit from the student for $24000.
感悟:周一 你们都去上学去了,妈妈有时间看一些书,学英语,写写感悟,锻炼身体,每天去散步已经非常习惯了,很喜欢。本来是计划周一到周五的时间,上个周末两天也是挤出时间去散步了,虽然有点匆忙,没有欣赏沿途的风景,但是每天有一个小时的散步放松时刻是很珍贵的。中午看到老师发的你在教室里的口算考试,真是欣慰啊,宝贝。妈妈相信你。