冰碛山州立公园/MoraineHillsStatePark 10
2017-11-04 本文已影响0人
公园离我家只有一小时十分钟的车程。今年有幸在这里看到一对美丽的沙丘鹤。下个月它们将飞去美国南部或墨西哥度寒假。沙丘鹤婚姻是一夫一妻, 而且是终身制。一但结为情旅便不离不弃, 让人钦佩。纪录上最长寿的沙丘鹤的年龄为36岁1个月。
The park is only a hour and tem minutes from my home. Fortunately this year, I spotted a pair of sandhill cranes. Next month, They are going to migrate to the sourther parts of US or Mexico for winter. Sandhill cranes mate for life and they always appear together. The oldest of sandhill cranes in record is 36 years and one month.